Miraa transporters directed to obtain operating licenses

Dec 5, 2023 - 15:57
Miraa transporters directed to obtain operating licenses

By Peter Ochieng

Miraa transporters across the country have until the 31st of this month to get their operational licenses.

The Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) in a notice on Tuesday said by acting Director General Willis Audi, said that commercial transporters are expected to register with the body, before obtaining clearance to conduct their businesses.

This, the Authority said is in line with regulations published on 5th April, 2023. The regulatory framework contains various provisions that are geared towards trade facilitation through registration and licensing of value chain players.

“The implementation of the regulations began immediately after the publication of the regulations in April 2023. The Authority appreciates the full compliance witnessed across the value chain including the miraa exporters and importers,” stated AFA.

“To fully comply with the provisions on miraa (Khat) transportation, the Authority hereby notifies all commercial miraa transporters across the country to register and obtain Miraa commercial transporters licenses from the Agriculture and Food Authority- Miraa, Pyrethrum and Other Crops Directorate by December 31, 2023, in line with the regulations 8 and 9 of crops (Miraa) regulations,2023,” the authority added.

Applications for registration and licenses from the Agriculture and Food Authority Integrated Management Information System e-platform – imis.afa.go.ke.

“The authority commits to give all the support in development and promotion of the miraa sub sector,” adds the notice.

According to the regulations, individuals who fail to obtain licenses commit an offence liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to a fine not exceeding Sh5 million shillings or both.

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