Nakuru City residents yet to feel City Status' Returns

Jun 20, 2023 - 18:30
Nakuru City residents yet to feel City Status' Returns
A section of Nakuru City

Nakuru Tuesday June 20, 2023

KNA by Anne Sabuni

Residents of Nakuru City want a Development Accountability Committee involving citizens to be established, to follow-up on projects and proposals for proper implementation.

The residents regretted that many proposals by the residents ended up on paper, with projects initiated suffering mismanagement and embezzlement of funds.

Led by Vincent Tonui, the residents regretted that the city status was taking too long to take shape, with bulging populations demanding upgrade and proper planning that seem to be lagging.

“We also understand that the funding set aside for the City administration to run has continued to dwindle, with the office having been allocated Sh90 million for next financial year, which would largely be consumed by the recurrent expenditure.

It was assumed that the World Bank’s support will continue but from the reports, nothing will be forthcoming. This leaves the city administrators and the residents in limbo as there are a lot of wishes that we have proposed for this city,” said Tonui, accusing the City Management of failing to seek public input in their planning.

Diana Kiget noted that lack of independence by the City Board from the executive had dragged implementation of the peoples’ wish, calling for pooling of all funds meant for repairs in the Wards to one kitty

“We have no money in the pockets, the business returns are not earning as much as our efforts and yet we are paying heavily in licences,” she added, calling on the Board to make the city investor-attractive for the benefit of all.

City Manager Thabanja Gitau, who graced the commissioning of the Nakuru City Citizen Fora that would see more citizen engagement in budgeting, prioritising of projects as well as their implementation, noted the need for a Development accountability forum, in which the citizens monitor projects.

"This Fora, which will be democratically constituted by the members of the public themselves, will help us monitor projects and other areas that demand urgent attention by the City Board.

We will also share Bills of Quantities for our projects to ensure that the people gauge whether value for money is being realised for every project being undertaken by the City Board and County for better results," added Thabanja, noting that it was only through constructive public participation that meaningful engagement can be realised.

He also added that business community will be profiled to allow for meaningful engagement as general forums yielded little and caused disagreements.

“We are working towards Vision 2050 plan which is at an advanced stage towards the city that we want. We will be seeking more of your views and to inform us of a sustainable plan," he added.

Midrift Hurinet Project Coordinator Calvin Muga highlighted the need for the City Board to publish and publicise important information affecting the city, while responding promptly to concerns by members of the public.

"It will only be fare if the Board affords the people capacity to participate by giving them the right information in time for public participation," added Muga, calling for enhanced civic education and citizen engagement.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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