Nakuru residents warned against Consuming Fish from Lake

Aug 10, 2023 - 08:42
Nakuru residents warned against Consuming Fish from Lake


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

KNA by Anne Sabuni

Nakuru East Deputy County Commissioner Simiyu Were has cautioned against fishing in Lake Nakuru saying the fish are not fit for human consumption.

Were regretted that the residents had resorted to fishing, trading and feasting on the poisonous fish yet they were well aware of the health implications.

"We are urging you to desist from fishing from Lake Nakuru as this is detrimental to your health and the unsuspecting consumers," he noted.

In 2020, KEMFRI researchers found that there was a high level of nitrate in the Lake, raising concerns that the fish was not safe for human consumption.

The report stated that the mysterious deaths of fish in the lake were caused by toxicity of the four fish species found in the Lake with the Nile tilapia worst affected.

Besides nitrate, the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the fish was also found to be 84.49 milligrams/litre (mgl-1) while others had a concentration of 77.35 mgl-1.

Executive Director for Elephant Neighbours Centre Jim Justus Nyamu, who is walking from Nakuru city to Baringo County through Kabarak University noted that the fish at Lake Nakuru were introduced purposely to regulate spread of mosquitos.

"Scientists have sighted the toxic metal and raw sewer and the tilapia here were to regulate the mosquitos and are not fit for food. It is a pity that we are now even feasting on what the Bible prohibits,” he regretted, noting that bush meat was also on high sale with hyenas and baboons being targeted by unscrupulous traders.

Nyamu’s team, which advocates against pouching of elephants for tusks, will crisscross Rwanda to Karamba National Park in DRC Congo.

“Congo had close to 200,000 elephants but now only has 4,000. In Kenya, our elephant population has slightly increased to 35,000 but we still have to fight pouching, with the Kenya Wildlife Services representing these issues at the National Security Council,” said Nyamu, noting that he will be covering 3, 200 KMs in 130 days, to raise awareness on the plight of elephants.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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