Ogwedy traders complain over dirty market

Nov 13, 2023 - 09:52
Ogwedy traders complain over dirty market
A picture showing garbage lying all over Ogwedy trading centre in Trans Mara West Sub County.


Monday November 13, 2023,

KNA, by Ann Salaton/ John Lebunge 

The business community at Ogwedy trading centre in Trans Mara West Sub County has raised an alarm over the poor disposal of litter in the area.

The traders led by Joseph Ngeem called on the Public Health department and National Environment and Management Authority (NEMA) to inspect the town and help improve sanitation in the town.

Mzee Ngeem observed that if nothing is done, the traders risk contracting diseases during this rainy season as litter is scattered everywhere in the market centre.

“We are faithful in paying taxes and all the levies that the government needs from us, we therefore plead with the county government to help improve sanitation in this market,” said the trader, who is also a village elder.

Mzee Ngeem also called on the government to push all hotel owners in the area to dig a pit latrine in their premises to avoid open defecation within the market premises.

“We have noted that some hotels do not have a single toilet yet they serve many customers. This is against the regulations set by the public health department,” he added.

Another trader Emmanuel Kilerai called on the county government to enforce the laws on liquor so that all bars will be forced to dispose waste liquor bottles properly as the bottles are scattered all over the market place.

“Broken bottles are lying everywhere endangering the health of the residents and livestock. We want the bar owners to be forced to dispose bottles properly," Kilerai said.

A spot check in the market premises that borders Narok and Migori counties showed litter scattered all over the market centre, comprising of polythene bags, plastic bottles and glass bottles.

Courtesy; KNA

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