Reprieve for Governor Kihika as 61 MCAs oppose impeachment attempts

Jan 27, 2024 - 14:13
Reprieve for Governor Kihika as 61 MCAs oppose impeachment attempts
Majority/Nakuru County MCAs led by Majority Leader Alex Langat and Minority Leader Phillip Wanjohi dismissed the calls by Senator Karanja to impeach Governor Susan Kihika as a personal opinion that did not have the backing of the County Assembly. (Picture by Dennis Rasto).


Saturday January 27, 2024

KNA by Jane Ngugi

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika can breathe a sigh of relief after more than 60 Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) rejected attempts by Senator Tabitha Karanja to have an impeachment motion initiated.

The MCAs led by Majority Leader Alex Langat and Minority Leader Phillip Wanjohi dismissed the calls by Senator Karanja as a personal opinion that did not have the backing of the County Assembly.

Addressing journalists at the County Assembly, Langat accused a clique of elected leaders of interfering with the county government’s operations leading to the standoff.

Senator Karanja has threatened to push for the impeachment of Governor Kihika over what she says is mismanagement of the health sector stemming from the War Memorial Hospital takeover.

The Nakuru War Memorial Hospital management and the Nakuru County government have been embroiled in a tussle over the hospital and a 25-acre piece of land on which it sits.

 In October last year, the County government took over the management of the hospital alleging that the management had forged documents.

 Last week, patients at the hospital were forcefully transferred to the Nakuru Provincial General Hospital Annex Wing following the dispute.

  Speaking to journalists earlier this week, the Senator termed the Governor as ‘incompetent and inhumane’ for allegedly sabotaging health operations which have led to the loss of lives in the hospital while in contempt of a court order.

She claimed that Governor Kihika ordered county officers to raid the facility thereby leading to disruptions that hindered medical care, and as a result, patients died.

“Instead of the governor implementing any plans for the War Memorial Hospital facility, she closes it, being the only hospital that meets international standards equivalent to Nairobi and the Aga Khan Hospital,” she said.

  “As the Senator of Nakuru County and the Deputy Majority Leader of the Senate, I strongly condemn the attack on the hospital by the county. This shows we have a governor who is so inhumane and never follows the rule of law and never respects the court,” said Senator Karanja.

 However, the Majority Leader urged the Senator to allow Ms Kihika to serve Nakuru residents.

“I want to join my colleagues to warn our Senator that she must respect the Constitution. Governor Kihika is in charge of Nakuru County and she is the one given the mandate by Nakuru residents to govern affairs of the city,” Langat said.

“Let her (Kihika) work without interference, the Constitution is clear on functions of the counties. We are distinct on matters of governance, so let Kihika serve the people of Nakuru. We must respect each other as the Senate and county government,” he added.

Wanjohi said governors have a mandate from people to deliver on their manifesto and they should work independently.

The Minority Leader affirmed that MCAs were not part of ongoing plans by Senator Karanja to impeach the Governor.

The recent spat between the management of the Nakuru War Memorial Hospital and the county government marked yet another milestone in the 50-year-old controversy revolving around the ownership of the private hospital between the board and government authorities.

The Minority Leader accused a section of elected leaders of fighting Governor Kihika’s administration without any justifiable reason.

He claimed that MCAs were not aware of the impeachment motion and would vote against any such motion if it was brought to the County Assembly.

 Hells Gate MCA ward Ms. Virginia Wamaitha disowned the impeachment motion proposal and stated they would not sign it if it is tabled before the County Assembly.

 “We have not seen the motion coming to the Assembly. We cannot sign for a motion that we have not read. There are no fights between us. Those (MCAs) who are being misused will find us (in the Assembly) when and if they come with their motion,” Wamaitha said, adding that they were fully behind Ms Kihika.

Expressing support for the Governor, Ms. Wamaitha said MCAs were not elected or nominated to “fight wars”.

 “We were elected to partner with the county government of Nakuru to deliver services to the people. We recognize Ms Kihika as the leader of Nakuru. We have no interest in playing politics with this matter. We want development. We have no problem with the governor,” stated the MCA.

 She sent out an appeal to all elected leaders to work together for the benefit of the people.

 “That is my plea to all leaders in Nakuru. All of us need to understand the duties that God gave us. It is not to fight, but to work for the people of Nakuru. I would like to see us uniting to deliver services. That is why we are paid millions of shillings,” she said.

According to Ms Wamaitha, the power of impeachment was never supposed to be used as ‘blackmail.’

Senator Karanja has further claimed that Kihika had laid off over 500 health workers in July and replaced them with incompetent ones.

 The Senate’s Deputy Majority leader has also blamed the governor for the disruptions affecting Mai Mahiu Hospital, Naivasha Hospital, Gilgil, and Njoro facilities noting that her actions have jeopardized the health sector in the county.

 “What Nakuru residents have experienced since Friday 19, after the arrest of the doctors of WMH, is something that has never been anywhere in the world and we can never forgive the governor,” she said.

“Sadly, a lot of people have died since October 28, 2023, following the disruptions of the War Memorial Hospital," the Senator had further claimed.

The county government had sought orders to take over the hospital in 2023 but the court halted the process. The county however began the takeover process in 2024 with county askaris reportedly raiding the hospital.

Courtesy; KNA 


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