Residents welcome plan to elevate Lumakanda town to Municipality

Apr 16, 2023 - 07:27
Residents welcome plan to elevate Lumakanda town to Municipality
Municipality: Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa (R) and Lumakanda Member of County Assembly Bernard Bokanda share notes during the launch of the upgrading of Lumakanda-Manyonyi road to bitumen standards in Lugari Sub County

Lugari, Saturday, April 15, 2023

K.N.A By Melechezedeck Ejakait

Residents of Lumakanda in Lugari Sub County have welcomed the Kakamega County Government plan to elevate the township to a municipality in the near future.

A section of residents and businessmen who spoke to the Kenya News Agency said the elevation is welcome and timely as it will come with numerous advantages including delivery of high quality services.

Their endorsement follows a request made by area Member of County Assembly Bernard Bokanda to Governor Fernandes Barasa asking for the elevation of the town’s status.

The two leaders spoke at Lumakanda during the launch of the upgrading of Lumakanda-Manyonyi road to bitumen standards.

Governor Barasa who was responding to the MCA’s request said his administration will first upgrade the town’s infrastructure before elevating it.

“The MCA has requested for a municipality. I know after developing the necessary infrastructure it will be easy for the township to acquire that status.

“We must have proper infrastructure in place, expand our Lumakanda Sub County Hospital and after that it will now qualify to become a municipality. We cannot have a municipality with muddy roads,” Governor Barasa said.

The Governor committed to make the elevation happen before his first term expires.

“That is a program I am going to implement during my term. In the next three to four years Lumakanda will be granted municipality status,” He stated.

According to the Urban Areas and Cities Act 2011, for a town to gain a municipal status, it must have a population of between 70,000 and 249,000 residents, it must have an integrated development plan, a demonstrable revenue collection potential, and a demonstrable capacity to generate sufficient revenue to sustain its operations.

Other conditions include, the capacity to effectively and efficiently deliver essential services to residents, has sufficient space for expansion, has infrastructural facilities, like street lighting, markets and fire stations; and has a capacity for functional and effective waste disposal among others.


Courtesy K.N.A 

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