Seme Kaima residents benefit from water projects

Jul 12, 2023 - 16:41
Seme Kaima residents benefit from water projects
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga and Rotary International member Peter Lattey inside a water Kiosk after launching one of the Seme Kaima water project at Ambus Chiefs Camp.

Migori, Wednesday July 12, 2023

KNA by George Agimba

Homa Bay County Governor Gladys Wanga has lauded the Rotary International community for implementing two Water projects in Seme Kaima area, Rachuonyo North Sub County.

Wanga said this initiative would go a long way in alleviating serious Water shortage in the area and also contain stubborn water related diseases that have faced the local population over the years.

The governor told the benefiting communities to jealously guard the two projects to ensure their sustainability. 

The projects were funded by the Rotary International community in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Suna Migori.

The projects are expected to supply a total of 30,000 cubic meters of water per hour to a population of about 12,000 people. 

Rotary International led by Peter Lattey assured the communities living in Homa Bay and Migori that they would continue to assist them so as to improve sanitation within their areas.

He said that Rotary clubs do service above self and would not tire to see lives of people protected, especially from opportunistic diseases related to lack of hygiene.

Rotary International has been engaging in promotion of sanitation in Migori and Homa bay counties through sinking of boreholes and provision of water tanks in schools to ensure constant supply of clean water to students and teachers.

"We have also constructed modern latrines in various schools and provided sanitary towels to learning girls to allow them stick to class," he said.

The team is also keen in protecting the environment through planting thousands of tree seedlings.

However, the Rotarian warned the benefiting communities not to allow donor funded projects done in their respective areas to collapse, but strive to own them by paying some small monies to make them sustainable.

"We always insist on ownership of projects by the recipient communities," stressed Lattey.

The event attended by elated villagers was also addressed by the President of Suna Migori Rotary Club Lawrence Otieno and Kenya West Region's Rotary ethics and governance leader George Muyera.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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