West Kenya Sugar Ltd urged Busia cane farmers to embrace modern Technology for more yields

Aug 7, 2023 - 21:57
West Kenya Sugar Ltd urged Busia cane farmers to embrace modern Technology for more yields
Agriculture Officer at West Kenya sugar factory Mr Titus Odingo led the exercise of incorporating use of modern technology in fertiliser application on Patrick Masinde’s farm in Matayos.


Monday August 7 2023

KNA by Absalom Namwalo

Sugarcane farmers in Busia have been challenged to embrace modern technologies of fertiliser distribution during planting and top dressing to ensure fertiliser is applied economically, accurately and uniformly to all crops to increase the tonnage per acre.

West Kenya Sugar Ltd General Manager Olepito Genald Okoth noted that despite advancement of technology in the sugar sector, Busia farmers are yet to embrace it and have stuck to using broadcasting methods while applying fertiliser.

“Although modern equipment has existed for years, farmers in Busia are yet to fully utilise it and realise its benefits, use of Mayfield fertiliser distributor saves famers on labour, and minimises pilferage due to poor supervision,” noted Okoth.

The GM said there has been a significant improvement on production for farmers who are already using the machine as the factory has witnessed some farmers grow from 15 tonnes per acre to 70 tonnes.

“It is important to use application methods that apply nutrients as close as possible to the roots in both the plant and the ratoon sugarcane crop,” he added.

His sentiments were echoed by the Agriculture Officer in the company Titus Ondigo who said after research by the factory, it was discovered that there was a lot of wastage by most farmers, a move that prompted them to incorporate experts to solve fertiliser management problems.

According to Mr Ondigo, with the machine, 100kg of fertiliser is enough to apply on one acre piece of sugarcane plantation as compared to initial 150kg.

“Use of machines is cost effective, particularly in developing countries where labour is more cost effective than mechanical application. Unlike the use of hand, machines ensure uniform application of fertiliser that minimises human errors,” said Odingo.

Ondingo said with modern agriculture being driven by continuous improvements in digital tools and data as well as collaborations among farmers and researchers across the public and private sectors, the company has prioritized sensitisation of farmers on timely and appropriate fertilizer application techniques.

“As a pilot program, we are working with farmers whereby we supply fertilizer and experts to aid farmers on this. What we target is to maximise the output from the farm, as we help farmers realise profit,” said Okoth.  

Patrick Masinde, a sugarcane farmer from Matayos Sub-County bore witness how the technology has aided him to realise over 60 tonnes in the last two harvests.

“Since the company advised me to use Mayfield machines, my production has been on a rising trend, it allows for maximising the use of labour and optimising the fertiliser potential, thus ensuring improved crop quality and yield,” noted Masinde.

Ondingo said with time, agriculture continues to witness more technological advancements. From use of tractors for plowing, irrigation, soil sampling and now fertiliser application techniques all leading to higher yields and improved quality of the food and fibre that was grown.

“There is need for an urgent intervention in the sugar sector that has seen factories facing acute cane shortage even as the country continues to grapple with rising sugar prices,” he added.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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