7 fights worth picking with your kids

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:54
7 fights worth picking with your kids
Shadowy image of a parent cautioning a child. |Photo| Courtesy|
By Edith. O. Virginia Parenting is simply raising children by protecting them and of course providing care in a healthy environment that nurtures them into adulthood. Good parenting entails purposeful interactions that you have with your children with an end goal which is self-sufficient individuals. While parenting means different things to different people sometimes it's good to know when to take a stand. As we slowly learn the art of figuring kids out, here's a list of the seven most important and worthy fights to have with the kids. 1. The reading fight For kids, some are natural readers, you will always find them with a book while others have to be forced to do it. Reading helps a lot, especially when it comes to kids with cognitive development and their abilities to focus. Making them read is a fight one must have. 2. The outside fight Going outside is important for kids because they get exposed to real-life experiences. This means that sometimes switching off the Television and taking them outside could be helpful, nature itself triggers curiosity which is important for child development. 3. The work fight In most contemporary households kids rarely do house chores. But the truth is little lessons of household work while young teaches kids to grow up into self-sufficient individuals. Learning subtle acts of responsibility and hard work is important when they are still young. 4. The 'me first' fight Make them go last sometimes but not often, to remind them that the world doesn't revolve around them. You may have come across children who will never fall short of alleviating themselves, perhaps taking the biggest pieces and always wanting to be first in line. It's important to break that natural inclination. The kids may not like it but they definitely need this fight. 5. The conversation fight Not just any conversation but the awkward conversation. Make them have uncomfortable conversations with you. As kids get older the conversation scope widens making it difficult to talk about some things. Truth is they need your wisdom in situations like dating, sex, body changes, values etc. You must see through the awkwardness of these conversations. 6. The boredom fight Kids need unscheduled time and as odd as it sounds boredom is an important skill to grasp. While imposing boredom kids may complain of being bored but once you give in to the demands they tend to become activity addicts. The fight is to resist the urge of giving them a distraction when they complain of boredom. There is so much to learn in stillness. 7. Limitation fight Making your kids live within limits teaches them important aspects that they take with them to adulthood. Screentime limits and activity time limits create discipline with the valuable life skill of living within limits can help if they embrace them. Adulthood problems like debt and exhaustion can be curbed through this training.

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