A Murang’a caucus wants the assembly to investigate fraudulent deals in the health sector

Aug 11, 2023 - 06:17
A Murang’a caucus wants the assembly to investigate fraudulent deals in the health sector
Murang’a county Assembly in session.


Thursday, August 10,

KNA by Anita Omwenga

A Murang’a Wananchi caucus has presented a petitioned to local County Assembly to investigate a number of flaws believed to have been committed by the former County administration.

The lobby group in the petition has enumerated offenses believed to have been committed by officials of former Governor Mwangi Wa Iria’s administration.

The Chairman of the caucus Pius Kinuthia in the petition claimed there were several fraudulent deals especially done in the health sector that left services in the local hospitals paralyzed.

The petitioner drew the attention of the Assembly on issues ranging from theft of drugs, inflated costs of renovating of health centers, breakdown of medical equipment and procurement of malfunctional equipment which have impaired health service delivery.

“I wish to draw the attention of this honorable house to the following issues that continue to plague our health sector thereby affecting delivery of health services to our people,” read a section of the petition.

The petition that was handed over to the Assembly clerk Kuria Thuita indicated various cases on theft of drugs from Murang’a County Level 5 Hospital, Maragua Hospital and other health facilities claiming there was disparity of revenue collection between the previous and current regime

The lobby group also alleged that in April 2018, a lab biochemistry machine at Maragua Hospital new Born Unit was unplugged and purportedly given to private entities. In addition, they said Murang’a county HIV kits worth Sh 3.2 million disappeared mysteriously from the hospital.

They claimed that Construction of Maragua New Born Unit on top of sewage was against professional opinions and that Biochemistry machines at the hospital are not working.

In addition, the petitioners claimed there was illegal transfer of staff, which led to negative impact on morale of health workers and that there were also illegal payments of Sh. 360,000 to 12 clerks directly from hospital revenue.

Further, the lobby group said that NHIF claims were not carried out in a transparent manner. They noted that there was also conflict of interest in the procurement process from a company supplying Lab equipment and reagents.

In addition, they said that oxygen flow meters and relays that were received in Murang’a level 5 Hospital were incomplete meaning they cannot supply oxygen to patients

Other grievances include inflated costs of constructing ward dispensaries for example Ihigaini dispensary, which was inflated to Sh. 5 million and an XRAY machine at Muriranjas hospital, cannot get its film locally. It must be imported from outside Kenya.       

In the petition document, the Murang’a Wananchi caucus wants the county assembly to conduct thorough investigations into the issues brought to their attention that are affecting the county health sector.

They also propose a financial audit of hospital payments and NHIF claims as well as an audit of the procurement processes and payments made to suppliers for the last 8 years.  

The petitioners asked the Assembly to intervene and let the culpable individuals step aside pending the investigations.

Members of the assembly are expected to commence investigations once the petition is tabled in the house.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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