Anti-FGM board commits to End FGM in Tharaka Nithi

Oct 12, 2023 - 21:03
Anti-FGM board commits to End FGM in Tharaka Nithi
A procession against FGM in Chuka town, before celebrations to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child on Thursday October 12, 2023. The procession was led by the Anti- FGM board chair Ipato Surum. The celebrations were held at the Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner’s office in Kathwana. (Photo by Sharon Gitau).


Friday October 12, 2023

KNA by Sharon Gitau

The Anti-FGM board has called upon various stakeholders to help in the fight against Female Genitals Mutilation (FGM) in Tharaka Nithi County.

Speaking during the commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child at the County Commissioner’s office in Kathwana, the Board chairperson Ipato Surum called on all stakeholders involved in the area to work together to bring the number down.

She appreciates the efforts made by Njuri Ncheke as champions against the practice and their continued support to eradicate the activity in the region

She called upon men's activists, all Community Services Organizations (CSOs), government institutions, chiefs and religious institutions to join hands in fighting the malpractice.

“This fight is for all of us including men, it affects everyone, lets join hands to fight FGM,” she said

Ms. Surum acknowledged that there is a decrease of the activities in the county and thanked law enforcement officers for ensuring those engaging in the practice are brought to justice.

She added that the board will continue to put stringent measures against FGM, teenage pregnancies, early marriages and school drop out to stop gender-based violence.

The chairperson advocated for the protection of Child Living with Disabilities as they are prone to easy manipulation.

Igamba Ng’ombe Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Julius Too on his part said that the national and county government will work together to eradicate the practice to enable the girl child to shape their own future.

He appreciated Anti FGM Board for their continued fight against the practice and ensuring that girls in the indigenous communities are protected.

The DCC cautioned those encouraging in the practice adding that they will face the law.

He assured they will offer their support during the coming national exams to ensure they are conducted efficiently.

While at it he mentioned that the government has already distributed relief food 400 bags of beans 160 bags of maize for vulnerable people.

The function was attended by the area Deputy Governor Wilson ‘Muisraeli’ Nyaga and Chuka Igamba Ng’ombe MP Patrick Munene, among other stakeholders.

Courtesy; KNA


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