Businessman Spearheads Flood Mitigation

Sep 26, 2023 - 16:55
Businessman Spearheads Flood Mitigation
Photo: Courtesy.


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

KNA By Milton Onyango

A politician and businessman in Nyakach sub-county in Kisumu County Mr. Okoth Opande is spearheading the establishment of dykes along the river bed of river Nyando in efforts geared towards mitigating the runaway flooding that causes havoc and mayhem in Nyando and the Kano plains. 

Opande disclosed that he has embarked on the flood mitigation campaign in lieu of the Elnino rains anticipated in the country between the months of October and December and especially to remedy the loss that is caused by the flooding disaster.

“We are here mainly to lay the dykes which we have done for two kilometers from Gem to Wasare to Kasae and Kabodho because our intention is to insulate the residents from the perennial loss that they suffer every year due to flooding hence this time we are determined that no resident will be displaced by the floods which has in the past severely affected children and lactating mothers even resulting to many widows being rendered homeless because we have dug many adequate channels and drainage for the elnino rains to drain to the lake,” stated Opande.

Opande noted that many of the local leaders have joined hands with the residents toward ensuring that the programme is a success.

“We have collaborated with various elected leaders including Nyakach MP Aduma Owuor, Kisumu Deputy Governor Mathews Owili and noted that our people must be in access to the appropriate relief in case of the disaster but our ultimate target is to ensure that our people are protected from the adversities of the flooding but not just relief hence we urge our people in the government to works towards initiating a disaster fund that will be specifically geared towards this project,” urged Opande. 

“The flooding usually causes havoc in our community resulting in loss of houses, property and cattle so the erecting of the dykes will be a lasting relief and save us from rebuilding our houses after every rainy season” noted Okoth William, a resident.

The resident further pointed out that the dykes will further help reinforce the food basket of Kisumu given that the floods do destroy lots of food and agricultural projects in the farms hence reigning on them will be a great plus to Kisumu county food security wise.

The residents however lamented that the camps where they do seek refuge during the rains are few and are usually congested and plead with the government for more including distribution of antimalarial drugs and establishment of rescue centers for children.

The officer in charge of disaster management in Kisumu Maurice Oricho reiterated that the county is committed towards establishing proper rescue centers that will give abode to the displaced as well as opening the river channels to ensure proper drainage.

Despite the county government of Kisumu putting in place many flood mitigating remedies, the residents are still demanding for more precautions.

“We want a dyke to be instituted in river Nyando so that the points that get clogged during the rainy season get properly opened because it’s the water that backflows that hurts us, “noted Willis Omondi, Kakola in Ombaka resident. 

The Kakaola sub chief Augustine Neto disclosed that they are working in partnership with the department of health to ensure the residents in need access the appropriate medication to cushion them against the waterborne diseases.

“We have liaised with the ministry of health because the floods do result in a lot of water borne diseases like malaria, bilharzia and cholera and the department of health has started distributing medicine including nets” disclosed Neto.

He further appealed to those usually displaced by the floods to make haste and look for raised points where they make temporary abode and not wait till matters go out of hand and for the residents to take precaution against contracting waterborne diseases. 

Courtesy; KNA

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