Community Health Promoters to play a pivotal role in success of universal health coverage

Oct 10, 2023 - 21:18
Oct 10, 2023 - 21:29
Community Health Promoters to play a pivotal role in success of universal health coverage
Kericho Health Education Officer Dr. Isaac Tanui in a training session with the Community Health Promoters.


Tuesday October10, 2023,

KNA by Kibe Mburu

The Ministry of Health is set for the official commissioning of Community Health Promoters (CHPs) during the 60th Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kericho, where President Dr. William Ruto will preside over the state function whose theme is 'Universal Health Coverage' (UHC). 

 This year's theme for Mashujaa fete underlines the government's commitment to ensuring quality and affordable healthcare for all Kenyans hence Community Health Promoters will play a significant role in implementing the Community Health Strategy which is vital for realizing primary healthcare objectives essential for achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Universal Health Coverage is defined as access for all people to full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.

Kericho County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of Health Services Brenda Bii in a media sensitization forum highlighted the main roles of Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in achieving Universal Health Coverage noting that focus now is towards preventive and promotive healthcare rather than on curative care.

She defined Community Health Promoters as trained members of community who work as a link between the community and formal health facilities in bringing health services close to the people especially those in rural areas.

The roles of CHPs she said include visiting households to deliver key health messages on health promotion, disease prevention as well as identifying signs and symptoms of diseases in households and within the community.

In addition to that, she said, CHPs are trained on ways of managing minor ailments like diarrhea with support from Community Health Assistants (CHAs) and refer those outside their scope to health facilities.

At the same time, the CHPs are also expected to ensure all households have good WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) status which includes a functional latrine/toilet, refuse disposal area and access to safe drinking water.

The Community Health Promoters will play a key role in promoting healthcare seeking behaviour among community members and ensure those on medication comply with treatment prescription and advice from doctors.

"It is important to also note that the Community Health Promoters will as well promote appropriate home-based care for the sick supported by Community Health Assistants and link facilities," added Bii. 

 Bii said that each Community Health Unit (CHU) will be assigned to one Community Health Assistant and ten Community Health Promoters for promotive, preventive and basic curative health services.

"A Community Health Unit is a health service delivery structure within a defined geographical area covering a population of approximately 5000 people. It is governed by a Community Health Committee and each unit is linked to a specific health facility," Bii explained.

The CHP will be provided with basic equipment for household health screening and also have smart phones for transmission of information, instruction and advice, while on duty.

The committed workforce of CHPs, each equipped with essential knowledge, will be expected to serve around 100 households each and the government will remunerate them in form of stipends.

Courtesy; KNA



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