Construction of Lake Victoria ring road to kick off

Jul 28, 2023 - 22:39
Construction of Lake Victoria ring road to kick off
Heavy construction machinery moved to the site for the Lake Victoria Ring road project. (Photo by Davis Langat)

Homa Bay

Friday July 28, 2023

KNA by Davis Langat

The government has begun the construction of the 478-kilometer Lake Victoria ring road which connects counties sharing the lake.

Sub-South legislator Caroli Omondi said the road will transform the economy of the region as it will open up tourism and regional trade.

Speaking when he accompanied officials from the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) on an inspection tour of the project, the Legislator called on the locals to support the project.

He noted that among the areas it will pass is Suba South which has never had a tarmac road since independence.

Mr Omondi said the road will promote the development of other infrastructure like improved beaches, better hospitals and markets.

"We look forward to working closely with the government to actualize it," Omondi said.

He said when completed, the road will boost the region's agricultural production alongside tourism and sustainable fishing activities.

"We will ensure Homa Bay County will be one of the top tourism destinations in the country once the project is complete," he added.

KeNHA will undertake the construction of the road in six sections which are categorized in lots based on counties.

KeNHA Regional Director Eng Julius Mak’Oderoh described the road as a game changer to the region's economy.

He said the road is supposed to bring development to counties along the lake.

"Its construction will ensure schools and hospitals along the lake are improved," the KeNHA official said.

Currently, KeNHA is doing maintenance and improvement of all sections of the road ahead of the completion of the project.

In Suba, the agency is improving sections that were initially impassable before the project officially starts.

The Engineer said the World Bank and the African Development Bank were funding the project.

He said the road will be built to international standards.

"It will be classified as B2 with a width of seven meters and a speed range of 80 kilometers per hour," Eng Mak' Odero said.

Another major road being undertaken in Suba is the 72 kilometers Mbita-Sindo-Kiabuya-Sori road whose construction will start next week.

It is being undertaken by Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) through China Civil Engineering Construction Company which has three years to complete the project.

Mr Omondi said the road started more than three years ago but the contractor withdrew from the site over unknown obstacles.

"We are optimistic that the project will continue as planned. We have agreed that labour be provided by locals," Mr Omondi said.

Suba South Deputy County Commissioner Sebastian Okiring’ told residents to take care of government infrastructure.

"Taxpayers will part with a lot of money to put up the road. It, therefore, does not make sense to set fire on the road during demonstrations," the administrator said

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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