Diana Marua addresses pregnancy rumours

Mar 30, 2023 - 08:05
Diana Marua addresses pregnancy rumours
File Image of Diana Marua [ Photo Courtesy]
By Edith O. Virginia Popular Kenyan content creator cum musical artist Diana Marua who also goes by Diana B has been forced to address pregnancy rumours that have been going round for the better part of the last few months. Speculations suggest that Diana is expecting baby number 3 form hubby musician Kelvin Bahati.While speaking to a local daily Diana Marua argues that a child is a blessing from God.The YouTuber also says that being pregnant would actually be a gift to Bahati as.he is currently preparing to fight for his political bid for the Mathare seat referring to Bahati as Mheshimiwa. “if there's another child coming well and good.Children are a blessing and If I add another bundle into my family, I think they would come sorted and I think that's the best blessing I can give to Mheshimiwa.” Diana refers to husband Bahati as her best friend and according to Diana, Bahati has been nothing short of amazing.She says it's her duty to fully support husband Bahati in all his biddings and duties as he also does for her. In regards to Bahati's political ambition Diana refers to Bahati as a leader and in he opinion she says Mathare will never be the same again. “congratulations Mheshimiwa Mathare will never be the same again I am confident about that". For the better part of our lives the Bahati's are a couple admired by many and through their YouTube content they bring in the public in their lives.

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