Education stakeholders call for recognition of prior learning

Oct 23, 2023 - 11:43
Education stakeholders call for recognition of prior learning
Prof. Isaiah Wakindiki- VC and CEO of KCA University.


Monday, October 23, 2023

KNA by Carol Mawia 

Stakeholders in institutions of Higher Learning have called for more sensitization on the Recognition of Prior Learning among various sectors, to help bridge the gap between theoretical training and hands-on practice. 

The stakeholders reckoned that this would help individuals with prior learning, to acquire formal qualifications that match their knowledge and skills, and ultimately improve their employability rates in the competitive job market.

Speaking at an a Memorundum of Understanding (MoU) signing between KCA University and the Human Resource Management Professionals Examinations Board (HRMPEB), which has seen KCA University, become an accredited teaching and examination center for Human Resource programs, the HRMPEB CEO, Nicholas Kanisa, stated that certification and qualification bodies should be cognizant of the Recognition of Higher Learning Policy and not solely rely on the theoretical qualifications when gauging competency.

Prof. Isaiah Wakindiki, the KCA University Vice Chancellor (VC) and CEO, stated that more needed to be done to create awareness on the acknowledgment of values knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired through informal learning pathways and incorporate them with the Higher Education system.

Courtesy; KNA



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