Emormor to launch Nairobi ateker Association

Jan 3, 2024 - 11:41
Emormor to launch Nairobi ateker Association
Iteso Cultural leader Emormor Papa Sande Emolot with members of Nairobi.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024,

KNA by Absalom Namwalo

Iteso Cultural leader Emormor Papa Paul Sande Emolot is set to tour Kenya in March or April 2024 to launch the Nairobi Ateker Association, bringing together diaspora community members. Nairobi Iteso caucus, led by Chairman Julius Ekwenye, paid a courtesy call to the Iteso King at his Ang'ololo village residence in Uganda. He stated that Emormor will launch the association and seek an audience with Bomas of Kenya's leadership to discuss the need to equip Bomas Iteso village.

Papa Emormor said that for the association to grow, there was the need to boost its membership, adding that KANU survived for so long because of membership. The Iteso Cultural Union plans to launch a major funds drive in January 2024, empowering clans in Kenya and Uganda to undertake tasks and plant cassava on a 1000-acre farm.

Papa Emormor was met by other various caucus members including organizing Isaac Oprong, economic and business advisor Patrick Ataro, Emojong Ausi, Ronald Ekisa, and Iteso Cultural Union Deputy Prime Minister Fredrick Adung'o.

The Iteso King also revealed that Uganda's vice president, Jessica Alupo, will visit Teso Kenya soon to meet ICU leaders before meeting President William Ruto. The speaker encouraged the Iteso community to form alliances for better resource allocation and to unite instead of remaining passive observers.

He met with Teso South MP Mary Emaase, Teso North MP Oku Kaunya, and PAS Arthur Osiya to discuss meeting President Ruto arrangements, while also seeking feedback on his own efforts. The Caucus chairman, Julius Ekwenye, visited Papa Emormor to inform him about a newly registered association aimed at empowering the Iteso community and sharing Iteso-related matters.

He noted that there are many Iteso associations in Nairobi and its environs, noting that plans are at an advanced stage to bring them on board ahead of the launch of Nairobi Ateker Association. Papa Emormor Sande Emolot plans to tour Nairobi to promote the community's agenda, potentially meeting Kenyan President Dr. William Ruto.

Iteso Cultural Union Deputy Prime Minister Fredrick Adung'o announced the Iteso community in Nairobi has been granted district autonomy, with members represented at ICU Council meetings.

The DPM said ICU has also introduced awards to be given to members with distinguished service, noting that former assistant minister in the Kenyan government. Ekirapa is the first recipient of the award.

Isaac Oprong praised Papa Emormor for positioning Ateker globally, highlighting his appointment as the chairman of African royalties, a significant achievement. The Iteso community has significantly contributed to Nairobi City's socio-economic and political development but has not been acknowledged. A single street named Ateker Road or highway is needed.

Oprong expressed concern that no Iteso community member has been nominated for representation in Arusha, Tanzania since the EALA's establishment, indicating a need for a paradigm shift. Patrick Ataro believes Papa Emormor's visit to Nairobi will enhance the community's bargaining power and teso unity, highlighting the government's omission of community members in job allocation.

Ausi Emojong emphasized the importance of interrogating communities along Kenya- Uganda border, urging their cultural leader to facilitate cross-border trade for economic development and market access. Ronald Ekisa, as organizing secretary, facilitated the visit of late Iteso Cultural leader Augustine Osuban to Nairobi, aiming to strengthen Iteso culture and commission the Iteso village in Kenya.

The speaker expresses respect for Teso groupings in Nairobi, including Kawangware and Karomata, and plans to unite them to strengthen the caucus, citing the newly allocated Nairobi Constituency.

Courtesy; KNA 




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