Jubilee party in grassroots recruitment campaign

Dec 16, 2023 - 14:25
Jubilee party in grassroots recruitment campaign
Photo: Courtesy.


Saturday December 16, 2023,

KNA by Purity Mugo

Jubilee party officials have launched a robust mobilization campaign targeting 8860 Murang'a county representatives, highlighting its continued presence in central region.

The party secretary general, Jeremiah Kioni, speaking at Murang’a hotel, said Jubilee has taken its position as the opposition and is working towards strengthening their influence in central region.

Kioni assured Azimio coalition members that the coalition remains strong and all parties are actively working to revive their strongholds through similar exercises.

Different concerns that affect Mount Kenya region and the country at large, were raised by the party leader, for example, affordability and quality of education, increased cost of basic education, lack of market for agricultural produce from Kenyan farmers among other issues.

The meeting was attended by 80 representatives from the 35 wards in the county who elected party representatives at the ward, constituency and county level.

Further, Jubilee party has undertaken similar exercises in Meru, Nakuru, and Lamu among other counties.

Thus county officials have been appointed from chairman to secretary general to assist in party operations within different counties.

Kioni stated that as an opposition they are focusing on establishing their strength at the grassroots level through representation in preparation for the next election noting that the party is attracting young Kenyans which is good for posterity.

The newly elected Murang’a chairman Daniel Mubea, on his part reiterated that the party has a strong support base in Murang’a and the opening of Murang’a county offices would strengthen it even more.

Additionally, the new Jubilee Party Murang’a county organizing secretary, Caroline Wangari, said the party is going to intensify member mobilization targeting women and the youth so that the voice of the people can be heard.

Meanwhile, Kioni stated that despite differing views from Azimio's parties, the coalition remains strong and united under the leadership of Uhuru Kenyatta.

Hence as the opposition, they will keep raising issues that are of concern to Kenyans. 

Courtesy; KNA 

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