Kabando to Raila's supporters: Stop living in denial

May 24, 2023 - 07:07
Kabando to Raila's supporters: Stop living in denial

Former Mukurweini Member of Parliament (MP) Kabando wa Kabando is urging Azimio La Umoja One Kenya leader, Raila Odinga's supporters to 'sober up.'

Kabando who supported Odinga's 5th presidential bid in 2022 said the ODM party boss lost to President William Ruto.

The former Prime Minister and a host of his allies maintain that he won the presidential race with over 8 million votes, against Ruto's alleged less than 5 million.

Ex IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati declared Ruto winner of the presidential contest with 7.1 million votes, against Raila's 6.9.

Kabando who vied for the Nyeri Senatorial seat and lost, said Odinga and his supporters should stop living in denial.

"Did Azimio lose the elections," he was asked by NTV's James Smart on Tuesday night. "Of course we lost," responded the former legislature.

"We should accept always to accept defeat. Every election I have lost, I have accepted."

He said they lost to a well organized man, in Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza brigade.

"I was in Azimio, a candidate in Nyeri, and we lost the election to a man who organized himself, who knew he had the whole system against him, and he won. The best we can do is to craft a well-organized opposition."

The former lawmaker said President William Ruto has all the time on his hands to right all economic wrongs committed by his predecessor, Uhuru Kenyatta.

He urged him to follow in the footsteps of former Head of State, the late Mwai Kibaki who was famous for speaking less, with massive actions.

Kibaki has been credited for reviving an economy destroyed by his predecessor, the late Daniel Moi when he took over in 2002.

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