MP under pressure over stalled projects

Aug 6, 2024 - 17:17
Aug 7, 2024 - 00:31
MP under pressure over stalled projects
Igembe Central Member of Parliament Kiili Daniel. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi 

A section of residents of the Igembe Central constituency are complaining about the poor condition of infrastructures.

The residents have pressured the local MP Daniel Kiili to complete the stalled projects.

Addressing the press, on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, the residents expressed their dissatification and anger because of what was happening to them.

Pheneus Kaberia, who is a resident of Igembe Central explained that many transport activities have been hampered by poor roads.

Kaberia has said that Member of Parliament Kiili has not taken responsibility for renovating those roads.

In addition, Kaberia has said that the residents do not get enough clean water.

As the resident explaines, many residents walk long distances to fetch water.

He has explained that the water pipes installed earlier were damaged and have not been repaired.

Kaberia has said that mothers are the most affected by walking long distances with water on their heads and backs.

According to Kaberia, residents called a meeting with the Member of Parliament in order to express their views and grievances but were later threatened.

Kaberia claims that they were driven out by people who he believes were sent by the Member of Parliament.

In the process of being evicted, some residents were injured by being hit by stones and trampled while they were running.

"Today the leader called for public participation and the people showed up so that they can give out their views but what we got was threats and bullets and swords in the field instead of the leader coming to talk to us and tell us what he has planned for us," said Kaberia.

He has accused the Member of Parliament of not listening to the cries of his people and instead he committed the brutality.

"What made us are threats to our citizens, until now there are those who were injured in the incident, others were pelted with stones, others were trampled while running and there are also our people who were threatened including one of us who is a major businessman," he stated.

"So what we are asking for today, we are asking for a number, Igembe Central we need a lot of security, Daniel Kiili who is our MP, we chose him to defend us and work for us, we did not call him to go and get married," he said.

Shadrack Kiringo, who is a resident of Igembe Central, has said that he expected the Member of Parliament to listen to them but they were ready to present their wishes.

Kiringo has denounced the act and said that the Member of Parliament has suppressed their rights.

"He had called us to the same place so that he could tell us to explain our problems to him. Instead of explaining our problems to him, some of us have broken our legs here in the field, some have been stoned, some have been broken everywhere, now it's our right, can't we be summoned?" complained Kiringo.

Diana Mwende, who is also a resident of the area, has asked Member of Parliament Kiili to make progress in the area as he promised them.

"What we need is development, our mothers have broken their backs because of the water, from here to Seven Mile to go to the water, that is not fair and when the water is here in Athiru, the other thing is asphalt," said Mwende.

Two weeks ago, the residents protested to pressure the Member of Parliament to improve infrastructure and complete the stalled projects

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