New directive for senior gov't officials seeking to travel outside the country

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:56
By Edith. O. Virginia
Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua has directed all senior government officials seeking to travel outside the country to seek clearance from the offices they report to before doing so.

In a memo, Kinyua noted that senior government officials are subverting travel clearance directives issued earlier by his office.

He called on Cabinet Secretaries and Heads of Security Agencies to obtain travel clearance from the office of the President before any foreign trip. [caption id="attachment_17233" align="alignnone" width="968"]File image of Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua. |Photo| Courtesy| File image of Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua. |Photo| Courtesy|[/caption]

“Chief Administrative Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Chairpersons and Chief Executive Officers of State Corporations will seek clearance from the office of the Head of Public Service,” he added.

Kinyua directed that public officers in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) will obtain travel clearances from the respective Principal Secretary, while officers in State Corporations seek clearance from their Chief Executive Officers.

According to the law, for a senior government official to be cleared to travel abroad, the trip must be justifiable with benefits to Kenyans, essential and cost-effective within the financial directives.

For trips abroad, CSs and CASs are only allowed a delegation of up to four, while PSs, parastatal chairpersons and CEO are allowed three. Both cases are inclusive of the head of the delegation.

Upon return, all officers are required to submit a report on the benefits of the trip to the country within seven days.

CSs are also expected to present Kinyua’s office with a list of cleared foreign trips within their ministries on the 10th day of every month.

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