Organizations continue to support government tree planting initiative

Nov 22, 2023 - 18:49
Organizations continue to support government tree planting initiative
Photo: Courtesy.


Wednesday, November 2023

KNA by Moseti Julius

A community-based organization (CBO), has donated 1000 trees for planting in Rachuonyo South Sub County.

The CBO’s Patron Nuhu Omollo Masoud said their organization deals with tree nurseries, planting of trees, and also distributes seedlings for free to the residents for planting to help conserve the environment.

He said they support the President’s initiative to plant more trees to mitigate the effects of climate change saying the government could achieve the targeted 15 billion trees by 2032 alone.

Masoud, who is also the Supkem Secretary Homa Bay and Vice Chair Inter-Religious Council of Kenya Homa Bay Chapter, called on individuals, organizations, and private groups to chip in to re-green the environment 

“We have distributed seedlings for free today. We started in Oyugis, came to Karabok, Kiwiro, and now here in Kosele at the DCC compound,” he said. 

“Ours is to sensitize and encourage people to continue planting and growing more trees to increase the forest cover,” he added.

Masoud at the same time called on well-wishers, NGOs, and even the government to support their organization by funding their free seedling distribution program to reach more residents. 

He said they also began a programme to encourage residents to plant trees during funeral ceremonies saying if one has died, people should start planting trees at the home of the bereaved families, a number equivalent to the age of the deceased.

 “We encouraged to plant all sort of trees; indigenous, exotic, and more of fruit trees to ensure good nutrition,” he said.

Benson Midigo, the north Kamagak location chief who led in the distribution of the seedlings, called on those who received the seedlings to ensure they protected them so they could grow well.

“We will continue doing this exercise as long as we get more seedlings for planting,” he said.

Midigo appreciated the support they received from Plant Trees for Better Environment CBO and called for more organizations to support the initiative.

Courtesy; KNA

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