Private Universities Feeling Heat, Ask For Waivers, Tax Exemptions

Dec 15, 2023 - 14:54
Private Universities Feeling Heat, Ask For Waivers, Tax Exemptions
Some of the graduates of Gretsa University were conferred with degrees, diplomas and certificates during the institution’s 13th graduation ceremony in Thika yesterday


Friday, December 15, 2023

KNA by Muoki Charles

Private universities now want the government to cushion them from the difficult operating environment by giving them land rate waivers and tax exemptions on the purchase of learning equipment. 

They say the new education reforms where students no longer receive sponsorship as well as the reduction of students placed to private universities have made their operations difficult.

Led by Gretsa University Chancellor Prof Kibathi Mbugua they said it would be prudent for the government to waive land rates, saying they incur huge costs paying the rates since they have huge tracts of land. 

“We have massive tracts of land for which we pay high amounts on rates. To cushion us from the hard times, and enable us to stay afloat, the government should waive those rates, and treat us as learning institutions which we are,” said Prof Kibathi.

He also proposed tax exemptions on equipment that they purchase or receive from donors for educational purposes including computers, and laptops among many others. 

To remain afloat and attract more students, the Chancellor said the University has come up with new academic programmes and courses to boost earnings. 

Among the programmes include Artificial Intelligence, Green Energy and Content creation, which he said are highly marketable. Short course programmes will also be introduced, he added. 

“We have come up with new strategies to survive. These courses are highly marketable and will enable our graduates to get jobs easily. We have also adjusted our programmes to conform to the CBC to enable our students to become entrepreneurs and innovators,” he said.

He was speaking during the University’s 13th graduation ceremony at the University grounds in Thika town.

Courtesy; KNA 



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