Residents in North Alego storm police posts to protest insecurity

Oct 15, 2023 - 17:29
Residents in North Alego storm police posts to protest insecurity
Photo: Courtesy of KNA.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

KNA by Philip Onyango

Three people were last evening killed by unknown thugs in North Alego location, sparking off a wave of demonstrations that saw locals storm Kowet and Ndere police posts to register their anger.

Police had to fire shots in the air and lob tear gas on the demonstrators who threatened to overran Ndere Police Post to fish out a suspected leader of the gang that has been terrorizing the locals.

The demonstrators had earlier stormed two homes of the suspected members of a gang that they claimed was behind the insecurity in Nyalgunga, Got Oyenga and Gombe areas and set them ablaze. One of the suspects was beaten senseless and taken to Siaya county referral hospital.

According to the residents, the suspects named a businessman based at Ndere trading centre as their ring leader and as they marched to his shop, which is about 50 metres opposite Ndere Police Post, the businessman sensed danger and jumped into his motorcycle to seek refuge at the post.

The irate members of the public gave chase and stormed the police post while armed with crude weapons.

 In the ensuing melee, a police van arrived and quickly whisked the suspect away to Siaya police station, leaving the irate demonstrators to vent their anger on the motorcycle which they dragged to the middle of the Siaya – Rang’ala road and set it ablaze.

A resident, Stephen Odongo who hails from Got Oyenga lamented that their pleas for action against the known suspects have often fallen on deaf ears hence their action today.

“Just the other day, the thugs raided Got Oyenga trading centre and attacked an M-Pesa agent whom they robbed. This morning, we woke up to three murders and we cannot tolerate this anymore” said Odongo.

Nicholas Owino from the neighbouring Gombe village lamented that the police were always active during chang’aa raids but become mute when it comes to combating crime.

They called for a total overhaul of the Kowet and Ndere police officers, adding that if the government cannot heed their calls, then they better be left on their own.

Siaya County police commander, Michael Muchiri confirmed the incident, saying that two people have been arrested and are in police custody.

Muchiri said the suspects were arrested following the support of the public who assisted in tracking them down, adding that the duo will be taken to court”.

Courtesy; KNA



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