Teachers who damaged a student’s private parts released on bail as two others still at large

Apr 14, 2023 - 16:57
Teachers who damaged a student’s private parts released on bail as two others still at large
Three teachers who were detained for violently injuring a student's testicles at Ogembo law courts in Kisii.

Gucha, Friday April 14, 2023,

K.N.A, By Alfred Misheba


Three teachers at Nyabisia Secondary School, Nyamache division, Bobasi constituency arrested for injuring a student's testicles have been charged with grievous bodily harm at Ogembo law courts in Kisii, while two others and a security guard are on the run.

The 19-year-old student said five teachers and a school security guard beat him severely to the extent of damaging one of his reproductive organs. Medics at Hema hospital in Kisii town also affirmed that the organ had been severely damaged and had to remove it through surgery.

Area residents have called on the Ministry of Education to take stern measures against responsible teachers to curb the increasing cases of torture that appear to be rampant in Kisii county schools.

After visiting the student in the hospital, Mr. Charles Kases, the county police commander, informed reporters that the injuries the boy had sustained were appalling.

The boy stated that after the teachers discovered he was in possession of what seemed to be a leaked exam paper, they tied him up and dragged him into a room that other pupils in the school referred to as a "torture chamber" where they beat him mercilessly for two hours.

The student was left with a bleeding scrotum, and when he was taken to hospital, staff at Kisii town's Hema Hospital discovered that his testis had been injured.

“I was compelled to go into the room that pupils at the institution horrifyingly describe as a torture chamber where teachers physically abuse students,” the student narrated. 

The Prosecutor Ian Makotsi pleaded with Senior Principal Magistrate Paul Biwott to have the suspects held in police custody for more days pending completion of investigations but the accused lawyer Tom Ongori opposed that request.

 “I request that this court safeguard the respondents' human rights and release them on bail,” said Ongori.

The Principal Magistrate released the suspects on a Sh100,000 bond each, with a surety of a similar amount, or a cash bail of Sh 20,000 each.

“Any affidavit provided by the investigating officer does not substantiate these accusations. Children are protected by the children's office and the school administration,” the magistrate noted in his ruling.

He added that there was a high likelihood that the teachers would be interdicted, which would eliminate the problem of witness interference.

The case will be mentioned on April 27, 2023.

Courtesy K.N.A 

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