The University of Embu graduates first batch of lawyers

Sep 16, 2023 - 14:55
The University of Embu graduates first batch of lawyers
School of Law graduates from University of Embu during 8th graduation on Friday. Photo/Courtesy.


Saturday, September 16, 2023,

KNA by Steve Gatheru

The University of Embu graduates first batch of lawyers Some 1601 students received their certificates during the University of Embu's 8th Graduation Ceremony held yesterday.

Among the graduates who received certificates, diplomas, bachelors, masters and Doctor of Philosophy degrees were the first cohort of students from the university's School of Law.

Speaking during the ceremony, Vice Chancellor Prof Daniel Mugendi Njiru said the University has continued to grow and now has 11014 students in various programs, up from the initial 123 students in the pioneer classes in 2011.

Prof Mugendi welcomed the new University funding model which he said besides assuring universities of regular revenue streams, will ensure equity in access to education.

The university's Acting Chancellor, Dr. Kennedy Okong'o, said the institution had grown due to its commitment to quality and excellence, which saw it ranked as the best-performing State Corporation and best university in the performance rankings for the 2021/22 Financial Year.

He noted that the university attracted students from all parts of the country and urged the graduating students to use the experience they gained while interacting with students from different cultural backgrounds to promote inclusivity and an equitable society.

He urged them to aim at being leaders, innovators and change-makers in their communities, saying it was the only way they could reach their full potential.

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire, in a speech read on her behalf by Deputy Governor, Kinyua Mugo, urged the graduates to find their niche in helping their communities find solutions to problems posed by such phenomena as climate change.

She said the country counted on graduates to push the boundaries in pursuit of knowledge and innovation for the betterment of society.


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