Traders threaten ignore taxes until Governor Orengo improves the state of Usenge market

May 12, 2023 - 07:31
Traders threaten ignore taxes until Governor Orengo improves the state of Usenge market
Courtesy; Nation

Bondo, Thursday, May 11, 2023 

KNA by Anita Georgious

Traders at Usenge market center have vowed not to pay taxes until Siaya county government improves the conditions at the market and addresses arbitrary increase in licensing and taxation rates at the trading center.  

The traders who held demonstrations at the market center that paralyzed operations for the better part of the day disclosed that they sent a petition to the governor’s office highlighting the poor infrastructure and lack of basic amenities at the market in October last year but to date, they have received no response.

Led by Jackline Atieno Odembo, the angry traders said they would not allow the county revenue officers to collect taxes from them since Usenge market does not have a stage, lighting systems and good draining system.

Another trader Amos Aremo said that although Usenge is a market center, traders have been paying similar taxation rates as town centers like Bondo and Siaya which he argues that is unfair and needs to be reviewed.

“Usenge is not a town but a market center. For the last ten years we have been paying town rates yet we do not see improvement at the market,” said Aremo.

“A lot of money is collected by the county government on a daily basis at fish landing sites yet roads going to the beaches are in deplorable state forcing us to frequently repair our motorbikes,” added Desmond Oduor a fish trader at the marke

The traders have also accused County Market Enforcement officers of harassing and vandalizing their stalls as they demand for taxes causing the traders to incur huge loses.


They have therefore asked Governor James Orengo to address their plight by personally visiting the market center and responding to their petition before they can resume paying taxes.

Courtesy; K.N.A

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