Arrest warrant for an impostor

Aug 3, 2023 - 10:00
Arrest warrant for an impostor
Cuffed hands


Wednesday August 2, 2023

KNA by Wangari Ndirangu

Kiambu Senior Principal Magistrate Manuela Kinyanjui has issued a warrant of arrest for a key suspect in a 2018 fake tender case involving the National Intelligence Service (NIS), State House, Deputy President’s office and Americans.

The magistrate court Tuesday ordered that Joy Wangari Kamau alias ‘Mareka’ who impersonated a person employed in the public service to be arrested after she absconded two court hearings.

Eric Otieno alias colonel Koech, Fredrick Mangala Muhanji alias Douglas Simiyu, Joy Wangari Kamau alias Patricia Mareka and James William Makokha alias major George Nyapindi defrauded Sh 40 million, the property of Charles Gathii Ng'ang'a.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) was ordered to amend the charge sheet and exclude Wangari from the current charge sheet, where she and three others were charged with 11 counts.

The counts ranged from conspiracy to defraud, obtaining money by false pretenses, making a false document without authority, forgery, stealing, obtaining goods by false pretenses, uttering a false and impersonating a person employed in the public service,

Even as they execute the arrest warrant for the accused, the hearing of the case continues tomorrow with the three other accused who appeared before the court being out on Sh 5 million cash bail.

The key complainant in the case, Ng'ang'a while addressing the court said that the case has dragged for too long without being heard from 2018 with adjournments having been made due to the fact that one of the accused, Wangari feigned sickness and insanity.

"I had to take an early discharge from hospital as I am recuperating from dislocation of spinal cord so that I can testify. The matter is of 2018 and every time it is the accused Wangari who does not appear, hence prompting adjournment. I appeal to the court to allow the matter to proceed without her," Ng’ang’a said.

The four accused denied obtaining the said money from Gathii by falsely pretending that they were in a position to award him tender to supply military surveillance system complete with equipment and logistical support.

They also denied making a false document without authority purporting it to be a genuine valid tender document for the supply of security equipment for maritime surveillance for the state ministry of defense.

They also denied stealing and obtaining 1,200 HP laptops all valued at Sh 96 million belonging to Ng’ang’a in a false tender number STHSE/SUPLS/0451-404/2017-2018/SH which were to be supplied to State house.

They also are accused of forging a tender document signed by the alleged State house agent.

Fredrick Mangala, James William and Joy Wangari denied that they impersonated a person working in the public service pretending to award Ng’ang’a a tender to supply HP laptops to state house.

In 2018, unsuspecting Kenyans lost millions of their hard-earned money after they were lured into fake government tenders orchestrated through collusion of rogue government staff in the office of Deputy President, State house and DoD.

The fake multi-millions tender reportedly came with complete documentations and targeted victims who were invited for meetings then, inside the said government offices to win their confidence.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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