Former civic leaders demand roles in development

Jun 4, 2023 - 18:18
Former civic leaders demand roles in development
Narok County Assembly

Narok, Sunday, June 4, 2023

KNA by Ann Salaton

Over 250 former County Council Councilors and Members of County Assembly in Narok County want to be involved in active development of the nation.

The councilors who served in the defunct County Council and those who served in the new constitution era said they are rich in knowledge on the needs of the people but lack space to express themselves.

Led by their chairman Wilson Masikonte, the former leaders wondered why their presence is never recognized in national events which they willingly attend and even mobilize people on the ground to attend.

“Today, we have registered a group as former Councilors and MCAs who served in Narok. We do not ascribe to any party, religion or ethnic background but instead, we want to support the current leadership to deliver its mandate,” said Masikonte.

He said the group has been suffering in silence with no one to air their views yet they contributed richly in the development of the nation.

The former leaders asked the government to give them a sendoff package of Sh.1.5 million, a monthly stipend of Sh. 30,000 and a health cover so that they can live a comfortable life.

“The Members of Parliament take home a heavy package when they retire from parliament, we also want to be recognized and given a retirement package,” he said.

Masikonte called on the county government of Narok to erect portraits of the former County Council Chairmen so that the future generation will understand the history of the county.

“We have influential leaders who served as the County Council Chairpersons and contributed richly to the growth of this county. Some of the things we enjoy today is because of the efforts of those leaders. This is why we ask the county government to recognize them by displaying their portraits,” he said.

Former Narok Township MCA Bernard Torome wondered why the former leaders are never invited in public participation forums, yet they are well conversant with the needs of the people.

“We believe we know too much about this county and even can offer some advice to the current leadership if consulted,” he said.

Former Nominated MCA Monicah Mibei said people on the ground recognize them as leaders and expect too much from them yet they cannot meet their expectations because they do not have any monthly salary.

“What surprises us more is that when we attend meetings, there is no seat reserved for us and sometimes we are forced to stand behind with the people we served some years back,” she said.

The leaders spoke after a daylong meeting held in a Narok hotel.

 Courtesy ; K. N. A

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