High Court judge dies

Mar 30, 2023 - 00:27
By Joshua Cheloti High Court Judge Beatrice Thuranira Jaden has died. Chief Justice Martha Koome confirmed the death of the judge in a statement posted on her official Twitter handle According to the statement, Lady Justice Jaden died on Sunday, March 27, 2022, while receiving treatment in India. Until her death, Jaden was serving at the Civil Division of the High Court in Nairobi. [caption id="attachment_15465" align="alignnone" width="800"]File image of Chief Justice Martha Koome. |Courtesy| The Standard| File image of Chief Justice Martha Koome. |Courtesy| The Standard|[/caption] She joined the Judiciary as a District Magistrate in 1987, serving in various stations including Machakos, Malindi, and Mombasa. After 20 years of service as Magistrate, Jaden was promoted to Judge in 2011. “As Judge of the High Court, she commenced her tour of duty at the Kakamega High Court where she served for two years before being posted to Machakos High Court,” CJ Koome said in the statement. The Chief Justice also said the late lady justice had a quiet but warm personality. “She always had a smile and a listening ear for those who worked with her,” said Koome, who also pointed out that Jaden was her classmate – having graduated from Law School at the same time in 1987. She had three children. “Her death is a loss not only to the judiciary but to the people of Kenya whom she served with humility, dedication, and competency,” said Koome. Lady Justice Jaden was part of several High Court benches that made pronouncements on complex legal matters that breathed life to the 2010 constitution, especially in its nascent years.

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