IG Mutyambai issues new directive to police officers on evictions

Mar 30, 2023 - 07:51
IG Mutyambai issues new directive to police officers on evictions
File image of IG Hillary Mutyambai. |Photo| Courtesy|
By Judy Jerono The Inspector-General of Police Hillary Mutyambai has said that no police officer will conduct eviction without seeking clearance from his office. Mutyambai gave the new order saying that no police officer will implement any eviction orders by courts without a two-tier approval process. While appearing before the Senate Devolution Committee, the police boss indicated that officers will have to seek clearance from his office before implementing any eviction orders by the court. [caption id="attachment_5510" align="alignnone" width="2143"]File image of IG Hillary Mutyambai. |Photo| Courtesy| File image of IG Hillary Mutyambai. |Photo| Courtesy|[/caption] Mutyambai who was speaking while being summoned before the lawmakers over a land dispute in Nairobi's Pumwani Estate, told the committee that due to complaints among Kenyans over illegal evictions, he said his office will collaborate with the office of the Attorney General to verify the authenticity of court orders before the action is taken. "Court orders for evictions and demolition will have to come to me first after which I will do further consultation with the Office of Attorney General, who will then authenticate them with me. This is to make sure all the requirements of the law are observed,” he said The parliament had earlier expressed concerns over the illegal eviction of Nairobi Water employees living in Pumwani which was allegedly done without a valid legal notice, allegations which Mutyambai denied adding that his officers, follow orders issued by the courts. “Since we started this investigation no one has been able to show us the notice served to the parties concerned. We don’t want a back and forth. We believe the police should be a service, not a force to oppress the people," Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang stated. However, Mutyambai defended his juniors, stating that they only follow orders that are issued by the court. IG further said that they are mandated to deal with criminal cases and not civil issues unless under court orders. “Police are not tasked to carry out evictions, we do exactly what is directed in the court orders after we verify. The police only deal with criminal cases but when it comes to civil issues, we only deal with them under court orders,” IG stated

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