KCPE, KPSEA exams kick off without hitch in Lugari

Oct 30, 2023 - 18:28
KCPE, KPSEA exams kick off without hitch in Lugari
An invigilator opens an examination package as pupils witness at Lumakanda Township primary school in Lugari Sub County.


Monday October 30, 2023

KNA by Melechezedeck Ejakait

The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) examinations kicked off Monday in Lugari Sub County without any major incidents being reported.

Speaking during the opening of the container Deputy County Commissioner Simon Kiprono, the sub county director of Education Magdaline Igwatai, and the sub-county Teachers Service Commission director James Wanyela urged the center managers to be vigilant throughout the examination period.

 Igwatai said Lugari has never registered any exam malpractices in the past, hence they don’t expect it to happen this year.

“We have never had any issues in Lugari. We do not want any issues. We want you to be prompt and inform us in case of any incident,” she said.

She said they will also be monitoring all institutions and ensuring all is well.

 Wanyela reminded the centre managers the examinations are a national exercise; hence they treat them with the seriousness they deserve.

 He told them that they are in charge and in case anything goes wrong in their respective centers they will be held responsible.

Mutai urged the center managers to be vigilant for the next three days and ensure the examination period ends without any issues.

A total of 4731 pupils (2431 boys and 2300 girls) in Lugari Sub County are sitting for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in 80 centres which marks the end of the 8-4-4 primary school system after almost four decades.

For the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment, a total of 4019 pupils are sitting for the examination in 87 centers; 2075 boys and 1944 girls.

Courtesy; KNA


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