Maasai Mara University to pay former VC sh.81 million over wrongful dismissal

Sep 28, 2023 - 16:30
Maasai Mara University to pay former VC sh.81 million over wrongful dismissal
Former Maasai Mara University VC Mary Walingo during a past media interview.


Thursday, 28 September, 2023 

McCreadie Andias 

A court verdict has today been issued ordering Maasai Mara University to pay its former Vice Chancellor Mary Walingo Sh81m in owed salaries and allowances over her wrongful dismissal in 2020 

Walingo was in May 2020, fired among four other University officials over allegations of conspiracy to commit corruption offences, willfully failure to comply with the law relating to management of public funds, abuse of office, fraudulent false accounting and stealing by person.

The Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission charged her alongside former Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration Simon Kasaine, former Acting DVC Finance John Almadi, former finance officer Anaclet Biket and her driver Noor Hassan Abdi.

According to the charges, the five allegedly between January 24 and July 19, 2019 at Maasai Mara University in Narok conspired to misappropriate public funds amounting to Sh177,007,754 from the institution.

However, in January, 2023. The public service commission came to Walingo's rescue by ordering her reinstatement into the institution following her appeal against the campus. 

She was to however remain suspend and on half salary until her case was closed. 

Walingo during her appeal said Maasai Mara University Council lacked the capacity to terminate her employment claiming that the Cabinet Secretary of Education was the only official in power to terminate the contract of a VC. 

PSC had further ordered that Walingo be paid half salary and attendant allowances pursuant to Section 62 of the Anti-Corruption and Economics Crimes Act if the same has not been paid from the date of suspension.

Walingo claimed she is owed over Sh81million which includes Sh63, 659, 919 in half salaries and Sh10,978,000 in allowances plus accured interests. 

The money accrued between May 2020 and December 2022, according to Walingo's lawyer. 

However, Maasai Mara University disputed a claim of over Sh81 million by its reinstated VC Mary Walingo in salaries and allowances.

The Universitie's Lawyer Kahiga Waitindi told Justice Hellen Wasilwa that Prof Walingo’s claim of Sh81, 190, 248 was exaggerated and unrealistic and that the court should have dismissed her claim. 

Walingo's Lawyer stated to the court that despite her reinstatement on September 6, 2022, following a decision by the Public Service Board (PSB), the university had made no efforts to pay her dues.

She was later dismissed from work by the council on January 31, 2022.

The VC says although she was to be paid half her salary, the university stopped paying her after her interdiction.

Following the court order, The University is expected to pay Walingo her sh. 81 million salaries and allowances plus accurate interests. 

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