Muslim clerics welcome Chief Kadhipp

Sep 4, 2023 - 16:22
Muslim clerics welcome Chief Kadhipp
Chief Kadhi Abdulhalim Hussein receives a gift from KENFAT Chairman Sayyid Ahmad Ahmad Badawy.


Monday September 4, 2023

KNA by Sadik Hassan

Kenya Fatwa Council (KENFAT) held a homecoming ceremony for the newly appointed Chief Kadhi of Kenya Abdulhalim Hussein in Mombasa.

The meeting was convened by KENFAT Chairman Mufti Sayyid Ahmad Ahmad Badawy.

Muslim leaders from Tanzania, Zanzibar, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Uganda attended it.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) appointed Abdulhalim in July following a competitive recruitment process. Kadhis’ Court derives its mandate from Article 170 of the Constitution.

Its jurisdiction is limited to the determination of Muslim law questions relating to personal status, marriage, divorce, or inheritance in proceedings in which all the parties profess the Muslim Religion and submit to the jurisdiction of the Kadhis’ courts.

The Chief Kadhi promised to work with Muslim scholars in uniting Muslims and iron out differences around the contentious issues of moon sightings.

He thanked the organizers, judicial staff and his teachers for their unwavering support and for sharpening his life philosophy.

“My philosophy is to improve, quality work and timely delivery of verdicts especially to the less fortunate in the society,” he said.

The Chief Kadhi will head 43 courts across the country assisted by 50 Kadhis under him.

“This is an old institution. Whenever I visited the rallying call is for us to enhance the visibility of the office not to be Kadhi of Mombasa only,” said the Chief Kadhi.

East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) MP Suleiman Shahbal urged Muslim leaders to address various social and economic problems bedeviling the community.

“We have numerous problems as a community, we have social issues that we are not addressing, 45 percent of Kenyan families are being led by single mothers,” said Shahbal.

“The problem is consultation with women is missing, our girls are married in lavish weddings after a month they have divorced,” he added, urging youths to embrace pre-wedding counseling.

Shahbal decried that Muslims still lag in education performance in the entire Coast region, yet the problem is not being addressed.

“We should have a common stand in religious matters, it’s high time we unite and we should not focus on issues that divide us. We are the laughing stock of the country, for instance we Muslims can’t decide the date for holiday(s),” he said.

The MP challenged leaders to come up with leadership programs to mentor youths to take up leadership positions.

“The exuberance that the youths bring is missing. It’s time we bring our youths to decision-making,” he said.

Nafisa Hitamy, a Muslim women's teacher urged the Chief Kadhi to set up a women's desk in his office to handle women's matters conclusively.

“If we have inquiries we should pass through women, they should record the complaint and forward it to the Chief Kadhi,” said Nafisa.

Senator Mohamed Faki described Chief Kadhi as a meticulous and finest judge because in his judgments they are elements of intellectualism and extensive research.

“As leaders, we will work closely for his leadership to be impactful to the Muslim community,” said Faki.

Governor Abdulswamad Nassir urged Kenyans to give the Chief Kadhi time to deliver on his mandate.

To assist drug addicts, the Governor said his administration will construct two rehabilitation centers for men and women.

Chief Kadhi emeritus Ahmed Mohdhar advised the incumbent Kadhi to not favor anyone in the delivery of justice.

“You shouldn’t be distracted. Be satisfied with your salary. Don’t follow personal interests, but administer justice according to the law,” said Ahmed.

Courtesy ; K. N. A

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