My County App extends to ten more counties

Aug 17, 2023 - 10:26
My County App extends to ten more counties
First launch of MyCounty App in Makueni County in April. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi 

An additional ten counties have adopted the MyCounty App, a comprehensive digital platform that streamlines access to county government services and fosters citizen engagement with local leaders. 

Since its inception, Safaricom has been actively partnering with other counties to expand the app's reach over the past four months.

The newly onboarded counties include Nairobi, Uasin Gishu, Samburu, Bomet, Narok, Kitui, Busia, Kilifi, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Kajiado.

"Digital transformation of devolution is a joint effort involving both public and private sectors to better serve all Kenyans. Under the guidance of various county leaders, Safaricom is working to integrate the MyCounty App into different systems," stated Peter Ndegwa, CEO of Safaricom, at the ongoing Devolution Conference in Eldoret.

The MyCounty App is accessible through various platforms including Android, iOS, M-PESA Super App as a Mini App, USSD, and web browsers for desktop and laptop users.

In a related development, Safaricom has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Council of Governors. 

The MoU outlines several areas of cooperation, including the development of IT security and cybersecurity guidelines, revenue generation, enhancing knowledge management through the Maarifa Centre, CSR activities, and capacity building, among others.

"This MoU is more than just a partnership; it represents a shared vision for a brighter future. Through collaboration, we are not only paving the way for progress but also constructing bridges to collectively tackle challenges," the statement read.

MyCounty App was first launched in Makueni in April this year.

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