Nation has surplus food, says PS Ronoh

Jul 23, 2024 - 16:19
Jul 23, 2024 - 16:22
Nation has surplus food, says PS Ronoh
Principal Secretary for Agriculture Paul Ronoh. Photo/Courtesy.

By Robert Mutasi 

Kenyans were reassured by government through the state Department of Agriculture that the nation has enough food supplies to last its people for a very long time. 

Paul Ronoh, Principal Secretary for Agriculture, stated that the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPD) had excess produce that could be stored and potentially exported.

"The National Cereals and Produce Board has enough storage for surplus produce," said Paul Rono, Principal Secretary for Agriculture. 

Ronoh claims that because maize is a staple grain in Kenya, the government specifically targeted maize farmers in its efforts to guarantee food security. 

He said that the government is also backing up the producrion of other food stuffs. 

The State Department of Agriculture's report shows that from four million 90-kg bags to seven million 90-kg bags, maize consumption increased by 80%. 

Speaking in Nakuru at the newly elected Tea Factories Directors in Region Five's induction, engagement, and training on corporate governance, Ronoh noted that the region's coverage of maize had also increased from 44 million acres to 67 million acres.

"The country's maize production increased from 45 million 90 kg bags of maize to close to 70 million 90 kg bags last year thanks to the government's fertiliser subsidy and fair weather,” the PS stated. 

PS Ronoh claimed that the country managed to address the issue of food security through various government interventions. 

“There is no famine and starvation this year, people have not placed sufurias (pots) on their head to protest because there is a lot of food,” said the PS.

According to him, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries had realized, for the first time in a long time, that the nation had a food surplus based on government analysis and statistics.

"The crops are producing better thanks to the fertilizers the government distributed during this year's planting season, and the nation is likely to get a bumper harvest," he stated.

Ronoh urged farmers to acquire additional storage spaces for their produce due to the anticipated high yields, particularly in the maize sector.

He pledged that the government would support farmers and purchase maize at a price of Sh4000 per 90-kg bag from NCPB.

The PS added that the government solved the issue of harvest losses that was standing at 30 per cent by distribution of more than 200 small driers for cereal farmers. 

“The recent floods destroyed close to 60,000 acres of crops which affected around 10,000 farmers but when it comes to food security, the government has content that the country is safe,” he said.

The main causes of the harvest losses in previous years that resulted in food insecurity were pesticides and diseases. 

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