Push for the construction of affordable housing with recycled materials

Sep 27, 2023 - 21:35
Push for the construction of affordable housing with recycled materials
Packaging Producer Responsibility Organization (PAKPRO) CEO Joyce Gachugi (R) signs deal with Kimani Rugendo, a recycler and MD Ramani Company and Kevian Company that produces Afia and Pick and Peel juices on recycling used beverage cartons.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

KNA by Muoki Charles

Stakeholders in the waste recycling sector have advocated for the use of blocks made from recycled beverage carton waste for the construction of affordable housing. 

They said the technology is not only sustainable but also cheaper and time-saving than conventional stone construction.

Speaking when stakeholders in the recycling sector, Tetra Pack East Africa and Packaging Producer Responsibility Organization (PAKPRO) signed a deal with Thika's Ramani Warehouse Ltd that recycles the waste yesterday, they said construction of houses using blocks from recycled beverage cartons costs half that of the conventional stones. 

They added that houses constructed from the blocks are waterproof and they don't catch fire easily.

Besides affordable housing, the blocks can be used for making fittings in kitchens, tuk-tuk seats, school desks, builders' formwork, and houses.

Tetra Pak East Africa MD Jonathan Kinisu said they already have waste collectors at the dumpsite and also in the companies to collect the post-consumable waste.

He said the amount of the waste is sustainable for the projects, noting that they target to recover 1,500 metric tons of used beverage cartons which accounts for 30% of the produced liquid board packaging in the country.

He added that they are working closely with the recyclers and together with PAKPRO to create consumer awareness and increase the recycling volume.

PAKPRO CEO Joyce Gachugi said the country has enough waste that can be used in good use, adding that they will work on improving awareness on issues related to segregation and collection. 

She said the project would serve as a catalyst to the recovery of post-consumer liquid board packaging (LBP) as the country ushers Mandatory Extended Producer Responsibility on November 1st, 2023.

She added that the project targets Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado, and Nakuru Counties where the recycled waste will be molded into building blocks that can be used to make various things.

"This is a milestone and we know we can achieve more than our 1,500 metric tons of waste annually. However, we shall actively be engaging all stakeholders, including the government, collectors, and recyclers to ensure that the circularity of wastes is achieved.

Kimani Rugendo, a recycler and MD Ramani Company and Kevian Company that produces Afia and Pick and Peel juices said the technology has been tested, saying they have made houses using the technology.

 “We started the project seven years ago after the government issued a ban on the usage of plastic bottles. We have been collecting the post-consumer cartons from the juice boxes, shredding them, and making them into boards which we have put into good use,” he said.

He called on Kenyan to embrace the use of recycled materials saying it will also help in addressing climate change challenges facing the country.

Courtesy; KNA

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