The ability to control one’s reproductive choices is a fundamental human right, medic says

Sep 27, 2023 - 21:47
The ability to control one’s reproductive choices is a fundamental human right, medic says
World Contraception Celebrations were marked in Mt Elgon, Bungoma County.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023,

KNA by Roseland Lumwamu

As the world marked World Contraception day on September 26, Bungoma County Referral Hospital (BCRH) Medical Superintendent Dr. David Wanikina said the day was set aside to celebrate the power of options in reproductive health where every pregnancy is wanted and planned for.

Dr. Wanikina noted that this year’s theme, the power of options highlights the critical role of access to a variety of contraception methods to ensure that every pregnancy is planned for and desired.

“The ability to control one’s reproductive choices is not a matter of personal freedom but a fundamental human right,” he says.

He said that this freedom empowers individuals and couples to make informed decisions on the number of children to have contributing to healthier families, communities and societies as a whole.

Dr. Wanikina said that contraception allows people to choose the method that best suits their needs, differences and circumstances allowing them to have greater control over their lives and future.                      

The family planning methods available include use of pills, condoms, injections, implants and sterilization.

However, he agreed that despite the various options, millions of people still lack access to information and resources needed to make informed choices about reproductive health.

He says this inequity proportionately affects those in low resource settings, young people, marginalized communities, women and girls who face discrimination and barriers to accessing health care.

Bungoma County Chief Officer for Health and Sanitation Dr. Magirima Mayama, re-affirmed that Bungoma is committed to ensuring that all citizens have access to wide range of contraceptive choices.

She said contraception is an important part of reproductive health, not just about preventing pregnancy but protecting against sexually transmitted infections.

“We must advocate for comprehensive sex education that empowers individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their bodies,” she said.

She added that the County Department of Health and Sanitation is committed to supporting healthcare systems that provide accessible and affordable contraceptive services by ensuring that nobody is left behind.

 “When we invest in contraception, we invest in health and wellbeing of our families and communities thus reducing maternal and infant mortality, improving economic opportunities and providing gender inequality,” she added.

 She said that the power of options extends beyond individual choices; it shapes the society and paves the way for a more equitable and a prosperous future.

“On this world Contraceptive Day, let us remember that the power of contraception goes beyond the contraceptives themselves. It is about choice, dignity and empowerment. It is also the right to plan ones’ family and the opportunity to create a bright future for all,” she said.

The Chief Officer added that family planning ensures that every pregnancy is wanted, welcome and supported.

“As we continue to work to promote reproductive health and rights, let us also work together to break the barriers that stand on the way of access to contraception for all, let us advocate for policies and programs than prioritize the power of contraceptive options and make it a reality for everyone everywhere,” she said.

She added, “Let us match forward together a world where every pregnancy is wanted and every person has the power to choose their path.”

Mt Elgon women are now opting for different methods of family planning with the sole purpose of ensuring adequate maternal and child health.

Health experts say that one third of the maternal deaths could be reduced through the adoption of family planning methods, which also lower the rate of deaths among children under the age of five years.

They also argued that family planning helps in reducing the economic and cognitive burden to the individual and families.

Speaking during the World Contraception Day, a resident, Phyllis Chebet, said that family planning has given her and her spouse the ability to plan childbirth and space and time pregnancies.

 However, Chebet added that the high cost of living has exposed many families to suffering, calling on President William Ruto to make health more affordable.

She says that village health promoters should also be equipped with information on family planning.

She asked Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka to fulfill his promise of making health more affordable.

Courtesy; KNA 


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