Absa employing Universal SDGs to Champion for Environment-Friendly Strategies

Oct 26, 2023 - 11:34
Absa employing Universal SDGs to Champion for Environment-Friendly Strategies
Absa bank Kenya PLC Chairman Charles Muchene (left) Kenya Banker’s Association specialist Rosely Njino (centre) and Absa Bank Kenya PLC CEO Mr. Abdi Mohamed (right) pose for an official photo during the launch of Absa Bank Kenya PLC 2022 sustainability report in Nairobi on 25th October, 2023.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

KNA by Okal Kevin/Shamim Kambi

Absa Kenya PLC on Wednesday launched its Sustainability Report 2022 that aims to disclose how the company is managing environmental, social and governance risks.

Environment and Climate Change Principal Secretary, Eng Festus Ng’eno in a speech read on his behalf by the Secretary for Administration Environment and climate change John Elungata congratulated Absa on the remarkable journey which boosts the government’s goal on planting 15 billion trees by 2032.

 “Sustainability and ecosystem restoration are inseparable, to create shared value for growth we must achieve our restoration target, you cannot do business on a dead planet,” stated PS Ng’eno .

Concurrently, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Absa Bank Kenya PLC, Mr Abdi Mohamed explained that their shared value imperatives are espoused in the sustainability targets which have been determined in accordance with the UN Global Compact principles.

He said the targets are also in line with the United Nations (UN) Principles for Responsible Banking and are linked to the appropriate UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement, and regional and local frameworks such as the African Union Agenda 2063.

“To positively influence national agendas, we promote government policies that benefit the society as a whole and serve as strategic thought leaders in critical regulatory dialogues,” stated the CEO.

In 2020, absa launched a sustainability strategy which highlighted 13 commitments as the core of their shared value strategy.

Also speaking during the launch, Chairman, Absa Kenya PLC, Mr. Charles Muchene acknowledged the significant responsibility Absa has as a financial institution to encourage industries, and economies to adopt more sustainable practices such as energy efficiency, climate- smart agriculture, renewable energy and green buildings.

“As an outcome of these actions, we are pleased to issue our first Sustainability Report, which details our direct and indirect impact on environment, society and the economy,” said Muchene.

In September 2020, Absa became the first Bank in Kenya to join the Kenya Green Building Society as a champion for programmes that promote the green economy by decreasing pollution and enhancing people’s lives while supporting economic progress.

Courtesy; KNA





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