Government assures of exam security in Baringo

Oct 30, 2023 - 17:23
Government assures of exam security in Baringo
Baringo Central Deputy County Commissioner Monicah Ithatwa (centre) closes an exam container in Kabarnet town after she presided over dispatching of day one KPSEA and KCPE papers on Monday October 30, 2023. (Photo by Benson Kelio).


Monday October 30, 23

KNA by Benson Kelio/Joshua Kibet

Baringo County Commissioner (CC) Stephen Kutwa has said adequate measures have been put in place for the over 48,000 candidates siting for this year’s National Examinations in the area.

Speaking to KNA in his office Monday, Kutwa said they have dispatched about 3,200 officers to secure 1,605 examination centres for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

The CC said the recently commissioned National Police Reservist (NPR) shall provide additional security back up especially for institutions within conflict prone areas of Baringo South and North to ensure that the examinations are conducted without any major hitches.

“We have put the necessary measures to ensure examinations run smoothly and we have put officers to patrol schools in volatile areas,” he said.

Kutwa said they are not leaving anything to chance since armed criminals could use the exam period to create fear and despondency among the peace loving communities.

He urged members of the public residing in the volatile regions to swiftly report any suspicious activities by persons who may not mean well to them.

On her part, Baringo Central deputy county commissioner Monicah Ithatwa while presiding over the opening of examinations container in Kabarnet town noted that the process was smooth except for some light rains in the morning which nearly hampered transportation of examination papers to various centres within the Sub County.

However, she said that they were able to dispatch the day one papers of KCPE and KPSEA in good time and expressed optimism that the process would run smoothly for the entire week.

Courtesy; KNA


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