Makueni Governor launches two satellite NCPB depots

Apr 29, 2023 - 16:41
Makueni Governor launches two satellite NCPB depots
Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr officially launching Mukuyuni Satelite NCPB depot. Looking on is MD NCPB Joseph Kimote

Makueni, Saturday, April 29, 2023

K.N.A by Patrick Nyakundi


Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has launched two satellite National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) depots for the delivery of subsidized fertilizer to farmers in the respective areas.

The depots that were officially launched on Friday in Mukuyuni and Kikima were meant to reduce the burden of farmers travelling to NCPB Wote Depot to collect the rare commodity which is going to be sold at Sh3,500 per 50 kg bag.

 "Our farmers will now collect the fertilizer closer home. This will cut costs of travelling for 70 kilometers from Kikima to Wote NCPB depot. This will save time and money," said Mutula while addressing farmers at Kikima Depot on Friday.

 Consequently, he disclosed that 13,000 bags of fertilizer have been received in the county while adding that only those who registered would benefit.

 He confirmed that 600 bags were received at Mukuyuni depot adding that at least 32,000 farmers had enlisted for the exercise.

 However, the governor emphasized the need for the farmers to ensure they utilized the fertilizer in their farms in an effort to increase food production hence avoid relying on relief food from the government.

 "This fertilizer should be put into proper use by utilizing it on your farms to boost food production. It should not find way into shops," he warned.

 The governor thanked the national government for the provision of the fertilizer adding that he was ready to work closely with it in a bid to ensure delivery of services to wananchi in the county.

 During the event, the governor expressed his concern over failure of the residents to heed the government's call to register in order to benefit from the subsidized fertilizer and urged them to take seriously any government communication.

 A total of 128,510 farmers have been registered in the county in order to benefit from the subsidised fertilizer.

 At least three officers were posted to serve wananchi at the Mukuyuni depot and two to serve at Kikima.

 Earlier at Mukuyuni depot, Mutula signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NCPB Managing Director (MD) Mr. Joseph Kimote where the later agreed to support farmers in the area.

 On his part, Kimote said that his organization would assist farmers to minimise post- harvest loses that come due to poor storage that leads to maize getting aflatoxin.

 In this regard, he said he would avail a mobile drier to help farmers dry their maize crop to avoid contracting aflatoxin.

 "We have a mobile drier that is carried on a tractor. We shall avail it for farmers to dry their maize crop to avoid post-harvest loses," he added.

 At the same time, he challenged farmers to redouble their efforts in the farms in order to boost good production saying his organization was ready to purchase their produce and also assist them find market for their crops.

 Addressing the same event, Makueni County Commissioner (CC) Mr. Kaburu Kaimba warned that the government would take stern measures against anybody found diverting the fertilizer.

 "The government is keeping a close watch of the fertilizer while being transported and distributed. Of anyone is found trying to divert the fertilizer, he will face stern measures," he warned.

 On tree seedlings, the County Commissioner appealed to the residents to take advantage of the ongoing rains to plant trees in order to combat climate change in the area.

 In another development, Kaimba said the government has initiated investigations into some churches to establishing what they do to avoid misleading wananchi in the area.

 "We have started investigations to establish what some churches do in Makueni County. So don't be lured into joining churches without knowing their background," the administrator cautioned.

On gambling, he warned that the government would take stern measures against those found gambling saying they have no place here.

 "Gambling should not be allowed in our markets and towns. This has spoiled our children and it is banned in the county," he warned.

Present at the events were the Executive Committee Member (ECM) for the Department of Agriculture Joyce Mutua, county and national government officials and members of the public.

Courtesy K.N.A 

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