John Ngumi resigns from director role at Kenya Airways

Jun 2, 2023 - 11:17
John Ngumi resigns from director role at Kenya Airways

By Peter Ochieng

John Ngumi has 'thrown in the towel' at Kenya Airways (KQ).

He has resigned from role as the airline's independent non-executive director with immediate effect.

Ngumi, an ally of former president Uhuru Kenyatta held the position for 4 years.

It is not clear why he resigned, but he is under probe for allegedly profiteering from the controversial sale of Telkom Kenya.

Michael Joseph, chairman, Kenya Airways board of directors on Friday announced Ngumi's resignation.

“The Board announces the resignation of Mr John Ngumi as an independent non-executive director of the company,” he said in a statement.

He subsequently announced the appointment of James David Kabereri as Ngumi's replacement.

Kabeberi will serve as an independent non-executive director for the time being, pending an annual general meeting, at a later date.

Ngumi said he leaves a happy man, since the tough work of stabilising the airline economically is starting to bear fruit.

“My departure is motivated by my belief that now the tough work of stabilising KQ is starting to bear fruit, it is the right time for others to come in and build on the transformational platform that the board and management of KQ has created,” he said in a statement shared by Joseph.

“I remain a firm believer in KQ’s strategic and economic importance to Kenya, and I am confident that before long Kenyans will all recognise that KQ is worthy and deserving of the critical and invaluable support it has received, and continues receiving, from the government," he added.

In January, Ngumi quit as Telecommunications company Safaricom's board chairman and director, after just five months in office.

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