Kawira Mwangaza impeached by the Senate

Aug 21, 2024 - 01:10
Kawira Mwangaza impeached by the Senate

By Peter Ochieng

Bishop Kawira Mwangaza's reign as the third governor of Meru County has been cut short.

Senators overwhelmingly voted in favour of the three charges levelled against the first term governor by Members of the Meru County Assembly, in the process approving an impeachment motion against her.

She was senting packing slightly an hour after she survived two previous impeachment attempts, on the floor of the Senate.

26 Senators voted in favour of the first charge - gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, only 4 voted against while 14 abstained from the vote.

Again, 26 voted in support of the gross misconduct charge, 2 against while an identical 14 abstained.

The abuse of office charge attracted the backing of 27 Senators, 1 voted against while 14 abstained.

Mwangaza had earlier informed Senators that after the last impeachment in 2023, she made amends with several leaders in the county, urging the lawmakers to save her from the jaws of impeachment.

"I travelled across Meru, apologising to anyone I may have wronged. At one point, I said sorry 70 times, 69 to each MCA (Member of the County Assembly) and once to the speaker. I said sorry 70 times," she stated.

"I started with Njuri Ncheke and amended everything that was not going on well. I sat with the MPs and every leader in Meru. There is only one leader whom I did not talk to. The rest we have sat, talked, and have no issue at all."

She accused Meru Senator Kathure Murungi of being the chairman of people who wanted her out of office as Meru governor.

She said efforts to have a sit down with the Senator to iron out their differences, if any, had not been successful.

Mwangaza through her legal team termed the third impeachment motion against her, like the previous two, as politically motivated.

The motion to impeach Mwangaza for the third time was moved by Zipporah Kinya, the Meru County Assembly deputy majority leader.

"The County Assembly accuses governor Kawira of illegally revoking the appointment of CPA Virginia Kawira Miriti as Secretary/CEO of the Meru County Public Service Board, without a vote of not less than 75% of all the members of the County Assembly and in usurpation of the powers of the County Assembly contrary to sections 58(4) & (5) and 59A of the County Governments Act," read the charge sheet, in part.

In addition she was blamed for failing to appoint the Chairpersons of the Meru County Revenue Board, Meru Microfinance Corporation, Meru Youth Service Board, and Meru County Investment and Development Corporation Board as required by law thus failing to operationalize the said Boards, and/or illegally appointing the said Chairpersons without vetting and approval by the County Assembly contrary to section 4 of the Public Appointments (County Assemblies Approval) Act. She denied all charges against her, with the hope that she would survive for the third time, but Senators had other ideas this time round.

Unless she seeks legal redress, her deputy will be sworn in to serve for the reminder of the term, before the 2027 general elections.

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