Step aside and let Raila face me - Ruto tells Uhuru

Mar 30, 2023 - 00:19
Step aside and let Raila face me - Ruto tells Uhuru
File image of DP William Ruto campaigning in Eldoret on Saturday, January 8, 2022. |Photo| Courtesy|
By Moses Ngahu Deputy President William Ruto has asked President Uhuru Kenyatta, to step aside and let him face off squarely with ODM leader Raila Odinga in the upcoming August polls. Speaking in Murang'a on Sunday, March 20, the second in command reminded the president that he is not running for any political seat and therefore should step aside and let the battle be between the two presidential aspirants. The deputy president has admitted that the president will not be supporting his bid and has implored the President to adopt a neutral stand during the August 9 polls. [caption id="attachment_13772" align="alignnone" width="1280"] File image of Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta. [Photo: Courtesy][/caption]“I have tried to go head to head with Azimio leader, Raila Odinga, but I cannot since the battle is not fair as the president is behind Odinga. So I am asking the President to step aside and let me battle it out with Raila since he has made it clear he will not be supporting me," Ruto said. Recently, the DP has been imploring the president to be neutral and allow Kenyans make their own choices freely without his support. He says that Kenyans already knows who they will support come the August polls. Ruto has expressed his disappointment at the decision taken by Uhuru not to support him considering he was the main man who stood by him the last two elections. “Let me ask you, the day Uhuru was looking for someone to stand by him did Raila stand by him? I am the one who stood by him, isn't that so?” Ruto posed during the rally. However, Ruto is confident of winning the election come August 9 and dared Raila to stop hiding behind the president and face him. “I have told him, the president, to be neutral and leave Raila. I will make sure I defeat Raila early in the morning,” Ruto continued. According to Raila, Ruto is a junior politician who has no meaningful agenda to sell to the Kenyans.

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