Inside Raila's AUC Blueprint

Aug 27, 2024 - 21:54
Inside Raila's AUC Blueprint
Raila Odinga adresses delegations and heads of state during the official launch of his AUC candidature on Tuesday, 27 August, 2024 in State House, Nairobi.


Tuesday, 27 August, 2024 

McCreadie Andias 

The Government of Kenya has officially launched Raila Odinga’s AUC Chairmanship bid at State House on Tuesday, in a ceremony attended by Presidents including Yoweri Museveni(Uganda) , Samia Suluhu Hassan (Tanzania),Salva Kiir Mayardit(South Sudan), among other dignitaries. 

The attending heads of states and diplomatic dignitaries including Somalia's Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Burundi's Prime Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca, and Rwanda's Former Rwandan Defence Minister, James Kabarebe, unanimously endorsed Raila's AUC bid reflecting a broader continental support. 

Upon successful election, Odinga will exit the Kenyan political scene, but his continental mission will represent not only Kenya, but the entire East African region in the upcoming February election. 

Tuesday's High level event Saw President William Ruto append his official signature which was flanked by Raila to mark the official launch of the campaign. Raila then pressed the Bazaar highlighting his campaign blueprint. 

Meanwhile, Raila labeled himself as the ‘African Lion’ who is ready to challenge the ‘Asian tiger’, ‘European bear’ and ‘American panda’. 

African Leaders Hail Odinga 

Leaders and dignitaries attending the event praised Odinga's credentials, claiming that he possesses the leadership qualities required to guide Africa through its current challenges and towards unity, peace, and prosperity.

President Ruto expressed confidence in Odinga's competency to lead AUC owing to his illustrious leadership career.

"I present to you a visionary Pan-African, a bold and wise leader, a professional and technocrat as well as a towering statesman and veteran mobiliser for positive change. I am confident that he will give his utmost and do all it takes to make Africa proud and powerful," he said.

"He embodies extensive experience and a deep understanding of both African affairs and global dynamics, which are crucial for leading the African Union farther into the center of global affairs and closer to the hearts of our people."

President Ruto noted that Odinga will be the perfect candidate to actualize Africa's greatest potential of becoming a global economic powerhouse.

He said that Odinga will define and amplify the continent's transformation agenda of achieving growth for Africa's posterity.

"Kenya has already stepped up to enhance its contribution to Africa's development by championing institutional reforms at the African Union. We believe that offering a highly qualified, experienced and competent candidate to lead the AU Commission is perfectly consistent with our commitment to the transformation of our continent through our institutions of Pan-African unity," he said.

President Ruto called on African leaders to rally behind Odinga and support his bid to usher the continent on the road of "freedom and democracy, stability and security, peace and prosperity" 

"The assignment we are called upon to undertake at the African Union Commission is the work of all Africans, for all Africans and a noble cause to bring our peoples and nations in touch with the promise of the glorious future we all deserve," he said.

“Raila is a respected leader with a commitment to democracy, development, and the African cause,” Kabarebe remarked. 

“His ability to bring people together, advance the development agenda, and stand firm in adversity makes him an exceptional candidate for the role.”

Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu lauded Odinga for his significant contributions to the establishment of the African Union and the progress achieved since, including the Agenda 2063 and the African Continental Free Trade Area. 

President Suluhu reiterated Tanzania’s full support for Odinga's bid, while also stressing the need to complete institutional reforms to enhance accountability and maintain unity within the AU. 

“It is with these priorities in mind that the government of the United Republic of Tanzania endorses Raila’s candidature for the chairmanship of the African Union,” Suluhu stated.

Suluhu pushed for an agenda driven by Institutional reforms within the AU leadership that provides for accountability and African-centered policies. 

Burundi Prime Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca also voiced Burundi’s support for Odinga’s candidacy, emphasizing the deep historical ties between the two nations. 

“The candidate before us is a Pan-Africanist with an impressive resume, making him well-qualified for the African Union Chairmanship,” Ndirakobuca affirmed. 

“Burundi extends its best wishes for his campaign and the upcoming elections in 2025.”he added. 

President Salva Kiir of South Sudan commended Odinga for his unwavering commitment to African prosperity, describing him as a steadfast Pan-Africanist. 

President Kiir reaffirmed Sudan’s support for Odinga’s bid and urged the region to rally behind Odinga as their candidate.

Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, speaking at the unveiling, reflected on his long standing friendship with Odinga and expressed confidence in his leadership abilities.

Obasanjo emphasized the critical juncture Africa faces, where unity and shared responsibility are essential to overcoming challenges such as poverty, insecurity, and instability amid global conflicts. 

He noted that Odinga's African vision and mission should be guided by the theme of transformation of the continent to “Pride, power, peace and prosperity”. 

He called on Africa to support Odinga’s bid for AUC leadership as the continent navigates these pressing issues.

While Speaking during the official opening of the World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) in Kisumu on Monday, Obasanjo said it was unfortunate that the continent remained poor despite being endowed with rich natural resources.

“Africa has no reason to be poor. The fact that we are poor is not an act of God. It is because of a poor mentality which we must address,” he said.

To turnaround the continent’s economy, he said the AUC must be overhauled to live up to the challenges facing modern day Africa.

He said it was unfortunate that despite the huge resources on the continent, AUC programmes have stalled since the commission was waiting for funds from donors.

“How can you have a continental body which has programs but waits for the European Union (EU) to bring money to start the projects?” He questioned.

Dr. Obasanjo said the task required a person who has the zeal, connections and determination to take Africa forward.

“We need a man who understands the problem of Africa and what role AU has to play and I believe we have that man in Raila Odinga,” he said.

In his speech President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni reflected on his long-term involvement in African struggles, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis in political management. 

Museveni highlighted Africa’s position on a global scale by comparing Africa's progress to the Global North countries like the USA, China, Russia and India. 

Museveni Hilariously noted that the mentioned countries have all made Successful space missions while Africa still lags behind without a Roadmap to measure up with its European, Asian and American counterparts. 

Museveni blamed the African continent of Ideological bankruptcy which makes the continent appear like an ant, to the Global North. 

He also emphasized the importance of patriotism and Pan-Africanism for the prosperity of Africa, using historical examples of African victories against external forces and the subsequent downfall due to internal strife. 

"Munisamehe maeno mingi, I'm here to support Raila's candidature," President Museveni said. 

Raila's AUC Agenda 

On his part, Odinga has asserted that he is willing to take the bull by its horns and significantly transform the continent if he clinches the position.

Odinga will also be supported by a secretariat led by Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary (PS) Korir Sing’oei and former Kenyan Ambassador to the United States (US) Elkana Odembo. 

The secretariat will also include a diverse membership drawn from the five regions of the African Union. 

During Tuesday's event,Raila, who was invited on stage in stylish attire by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, unveiled an eight-point continental agenda as he escalates his cross-Africa campaigns for African Union Commission chairmanship.

Raila promises a united Africa characterized by peace, prosperity and sustainable progress.

“As a lifelong Pan-Africanist, I will offer participatory leadership to ensure delivery of the priorities of the African people as envisioned in the African Union Agenda 2063,” Raila noted. 

In unveiling his blueprint for Africa, the ODM boss outlined interventions to jumpstart the economy of the continent.

Apart from the economy, Raila pledged to enhance intra-Africa trade, enforce financial independence, gender equity, agricultural transformation and climatic action.

To jumpstart Africa's economy, Raila calls for initiatives that create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, attract investment and promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

Raila noted that Intra-African trade only accounts for 15% within the continent with the lion's share going to African-European trade by 70%, and African-Asia trade by 65%.

“Currently, intra- African trade is paltry, the lowest among other continents, hindering our economic independence and interdependence,” he said.

He emphasized on the need for the continent to evaluate the African cross trading factors and implement the Non-tariff barriers policy which will make trade within the continent easy. 

“I will champion policies that create jobs, reduce poverty and improve lives,” Raila said.

He advocated for reducing overreliance on external funding and rallied member states and private players to finance AU priorities.

Raila also promised to spur trade by establishing a common market and boost intra-African trade.

Raila who has previously served as the African Union secretary for Infrastructure Development pledged to create land bridges that link the Atlantic and Indian ocean to boost Inter-continental transport and trade. 

The Former Prime Minister revealed his plans to connect the African continent through high speed cyber optic that will help to make communication fast and easier across the continent. He also addressed the need to advocate for International law on Artificial Intelligence and how to embrace it while controlling it's negative impacts. 

He also pointed to Visa restrictions as a major challenge to continental integration and Trade. Raila questioned why Air travel within the African continent is too expensive as compared to traveling outside the continent. 

Traders and businessmen, he said are required to have up to 35 visas to travel across Africa whereas their counterparts who hold French passports were freely traveling across the continent since they do not require a visa to do so.

Raila vowed to introduce the continent Air controls system to ease travel within and introduce the AU visa which will allow free movement of people and goods across the continent without needing more visas. 

“I will advocate for open skies, visa policy harmonization and infrastructure development to facilitate seamless connectivity and movement of goods and people across Africa.”

Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement which was signed in 2018, he said has failed to register success due to bottlenecks which hamper movement from one country to another.

This, he said, has seen growth of Intra-Africa trade as a share of global trade decline to 13.7% in 2022 with African countries trading more outside the continent.

Odinga said his priority if elected AUC Chair will be to unite the continent to speak with one voice to unlock bottlenecks in trade among other issues.

Raila critically addressed the exploitation of Africa's resources by former conical masters and the Global North. Africa is the richest continent but poorest in terms of living conditions, he said. 

He emphasized on the need for the continent to effectively use its untapped raw materials while creating more resources to improve the living conditions of it's people. 

The Continent is rich in gold, iron, Cooper, diamond, lithium, uranium and more. All these raw materials can be transformed into wealth for the benefit of the African citizen. 

The former Prime Minister also pledged to address continental integration, peace and stability.Here, he noted that the continent has recently been disturbed by political instability, conflict, cross-border conflicts and illegal trafficking of firearms, drugs and people. 

He promised to use his office, if elected, to find a permanent solution to conflicts that have bedeviled Africa for years.

He said peace and security are essential prerequisites for development.

“I will support Regional Economic Communities and drive implementation of initiatives to enhance continental unity and prosperity,” he added.

Raila promised an all-out war against marginalization, exclusion and discrimination against women and girls.

“As chairperson of AUC, I will prioritize opportunity, dignity and security for women and girls across the continent,” Raila said.

On Agriculture, he pledged to prioritize modernisation of food production to create job opportunities and make the continent food secure.

“I will endeavor to promote market access within the continent and value addition in our agricultural and aquaculture sectors,” the blueprint reads.

“Further, I will promote climate-positive investments and financing, leverage renewable energy resources and integrate climate-smart strategies into our economic plans to secure a sustainable future for Africa. Importantly, I will raise Africa’s voice at international fora on climate change, climate action and climate justice.”

Most Important was the buzzing agenda on climate change. Raila reiterated that Africa has been a long victim of climate change resulting to floods and drought that ravage the continent, where else it's contribution to the climate disaster is very low. 

If elected, Raila vowed to advocate for climate compensation since the continent suffers the repercussions of carbon emissions from other continents, additionally, he vowed to call for climate credit to the continent's contribution to carbon sinking by the great Congo rainforest. 

Speaking during the official opening of the World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) in Kisumu on Tuesday , Odinga said he would leverage the continent’s rich culture, music and culinary arts to forge a unified front that will unlock opportunities for the continent.

“We enjoy Congolese music across the continent just the way we enjoy Ethiopian delicacies among others but we have failed to use this diversity to unify the continent,” he said.

This, he said, was in line with the Africa Union Agenda 2063 which is hinged on culture and diversity.

“We want to tap Africa’s rich heritage and culture through promotion of creative arts to contribute to the continent’s economic growth,” he said.

“I am ready for Africa and I believe in the story of the African land”Raila noted. 

Raila's AUC campaign schedule 

The ODM chief has lined up a tight schedule that will see him traverse the globe and the continent to win more support for his bid.

Raila will head to Dakar, Senegal, where he is expected to pitch his bid among the 15 countries in the Ecowas bloc.

Next month, he will attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where all heads of state and government will converge.

The UNGA is the largest annual gathering of global leaders in New York. The high-level summit runs from September 10 to 24.

After the UNGA summit, Raila will escalate his vote-hunt to Bujumbura, where he will attend the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa heads of state and government summit.

The Comesa summit will take place on October 31, 2024. The bloc has 21 members.

In November, Raila will be among participants at the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP20) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Other AUC candidates 

Raila will face off with Djibouti’s Mohamoud Youssouf, Anil Gayan (Mauritius) and Richard Randriamandra

(Madagascar) for the African Union Commission chairmanship in the race to succeed the outgoing chairman Moussa Faki of Chad, who took office in 2017.

Raila's candidature was boosted by Somalia’s former Foreign Affairs Minister Fawzia Yusuf,who dropped her bid for the AUC job in favor of Raila .

African Union structure 

The AUC Commission is composed of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Commissioners, plus staff

The Assembly elects the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson with each of the 54 African states eligible to one vote. 

The Executive Council elects the Commissioners, who are appointed by the Assembly. The Commission members’ terms are for four years, renewable once. 

In November 2018, as part of Institutional Reforms, the Assembly decided that, from 2021, the Commission shall be composed of eight members – the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and six Commissioners. 

Key selection principles include: equitable regional representation, gender parity, predictable rotation, attracting and retaining Africa’s top talent, accountable and effective leadership and management, and transparent and merit-based selection.

AUC elections 

The new office holder will be selected at the 38th AU summit to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February 2025.

An AUC chairperson is elected by the Assembly for a four-year term, renewable once.

Others to be selected are the deputy chairperson and eight commissioners, who together with the chair make up the Commission’s top leadership.

The African Union is classified into five regions- Southern, Central, Eastern, Western, and Northern Africa where each region is entitled to a rotational Chairperson as per the 2018 rules. 

The rules were made to promote the principles of regional rotation, gender, merit and inter-regional rotation.

The Central, Southern and Western have already had representatives since 2002 and it is now the turn for Eastern and Northern regions.

The election is conducted in accordance with Rules 38, 39 and 42 on the procedure of the Assembly and Executive Council, statutes of the commission of the commission and rule of procedure of the permanent representatives’ committee of the AU.

Rule 38 explains how the election of the Commission chairperson and Deputy shall be conducted.

Rule 39 is on the appointment of the commissioners which is to be based on equal geographical distribution.

The respective regions from which the chairperson and his/her deputy shall be appointed shall be entitled to only one commissioner each.

“The commissioners shall be competent women or men with proven experience in the relevant field, commensurate leadership qualities and a good track record in government, parliament, international organizations or other relevant sectors of society,” it states.

Rule 42 is on the voting procedure for the election of the members of the Commission.

The Assembly, according to the rule shall elect the chairperson and his/her deputy by secret ballot and a two-thirds majority of member states eligible to vote.


Candidatures for the office of the chairperson of the commission and his/her deputy shall be circulated to member states at least three months before the election.

It states that the chairperson and his/her deputy shall not be from the same region.

To ensure that candidates are chosen on merit and not solely through deal-making between states and regions, the AU decided to set up a panel of eminent persons who will vet candidates and draw up a shortlist.


Rule 42 states that voting shall commence with the election of the chairperson followed by the deputy and thereafter the Assembly shall appoint the commissioners elected by the Executive Council.

Executive council here means the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs or such other ministers or authorities as designated by the governments of member states.

In any election for the chairperson or his/her deputy, the balloting shall continue until one of the candidates obtains the two-thirds majority required.

Provided that, if the third ballot remains inconclusive, the next ballot shall be restricted to the two candidates who obtained the highest number of votes in the third ballot.

If after three further ballots neither of the two candidates obtains the majority required, the candidate with fewer votes shall withdraw.

Where there are only two candidates initially and neither candidate obtains the majority required after the third ballot, the candidate with fewer votes shall withdraw and the remaining candidate shall proceed to the next round.

“If the remaining candidate fails to obtain the two-thirds majority required in that round, the Chairperson shall suspend the election,” it states.

Where there is only one candidate initially and he or she fails to obtain the two-thirds majority required after the third ballot the Chairperson shall suspend the election.

The deputy chairperson shall then take over the chairmanship of the commission on an interim basis until new elections are held.

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