It is upon Kenyans to choose between lies and truth

Mar 30, 2023 - 00:19
It is upon Kenyans to choose between lies and truth
Collage image of President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga (left). |Photo| Courtesy|
By Steven Nkosira Today I want weigh in on the political happenings in Kenya. For the record I am a Kenyan and I have been around for some time now, I have participated in politics actively since 2002 up to date. I Must also say that I was mature enough to understand what was going on at least from the 90s. I find it important to say this to confirm that am talking about something I understand. I know the tribulations that people were going through in this days, people were going through political and economic hell. Back to my topic, "a lie can travel around the world and back while the truth is lacing up its shoes" this is a famous anonymous quote that talks about how fast the lies travels against the truth. Last week, I followed the UDA delegates convention that was held at Kasarani, and so many things unfolded, I think it is only in Kenya that a sitting Deputy president of a ruling party hold a delegates convention of a different party and openly attacks the president who is literally his boss with bare knuckle without shame. [caption id="attachment_14084" align="alignnone" width="1620"]File image of Deputy President William Ruto during the UDA NDC at the Kasarani Indoor Arena on March 15, 2022. |Courtesy| William Kabogo Twitter| File image of Deputy President William Ruto during the UDA NDC at the Kasarani Indoor Arena on March 15, 2022. |Courtesy| William Kabogo Twitter|[/caption] I was really embarrassed to listen to William Ruto taking credit of the successes of the Jubilee government under the leadership of president Uhuru Kenyatta and distancing himself from the failures of the same government. You cannot have your cake and eat it, one question to William Ruto, why didn't you introduce the "economic ideas " that you are puporting to do if elected in 2022 since 2013? It is immoral to lie to the country in broad daylight that you will do miracles if elected while you have been in the same position you are in today since 2013. If you find it untenable to serve in the government the honorable thing to do is to resign, and not even today you could have done that long time ago, but you don't have the guts to do that, why don't you emulate Ole Murumbi and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga both who resigned when it became untenable for them to continue serving in the government. You want to continue drawing salary, you continue enjoying all the privileges, opportunities and prestige that comes with the office while you are telling us openly that you have not been working for the last five years. Even your opponent Raila Odinga resigned and got re elected in parliament on a different party when he found it impossible to work with his former party. Listening to William Ruto on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, I thought he was going to resign after all the lamentations. [caption id="attachment_8835" align="alignnone" width="1280"]ODM Leader Raila Odinga during the Azimio La Umoja convention at Kasarani Stadium on Friday, December 10, 2021. |Courtesy| Twitter| ODM Leader Raila Odinga during the Azimio La Umoja convention at Kasarani Stadium on Friday, December 10, 2021. |Courtesy| Twitter|[/caption] Dear Kenyans, half truth is equal to the whole lie, look at what Aden Duale said for example, that the debt ceiling went up courtesy of the handshake brothers, is he forgetting that he spearheaded the same motions in parliament when he was the majority leader? The records are in public domain, why are this people insulting our intelligence? There is no single day we saw William Ruto and company opposing the motions on the country's debt. But last week  he told us he will investigate the same if elected, he is taking advantage of the fact that Kenyans are as forgetful as warthogs, and I have no apology. Let's remember the Eurobond debate, Ruto, Duale and company defended it life and death records are there, and they now have the guts and the courage to tell us they will investigate, we are not fools, as he normally say, there is a shortage of fools in Kenya today. As I conclude, let me remind you the words of Joshua 24:15 when Joshua saw talked to the children of Israel after he saw their concussion and disbelief. He told them and I quote " But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourself this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living, But for me and my household we will serve the Lord. I am not saying anybody under the sun is equivalent to God but it is a scenario we can learn from, it is upon you to choose between the status quo and the reformist. To choose between those two made you poor just to come and entice you with what they looted. Kenyans we must think before we act, think about this, somebody was given half of government he chose to give it all to his tribesmen, what will be different if he gets it today? It it or leave it, I might be wrong but it's because I don't choose to be right.

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