Nyong'o lands advisor role at United Nations

Sep 28, 2023 - 09:55
Nyong'o lands advisor role at United Nations

By Peter Ochieng 

Kisumu governor Anyang' Nyong'o has landed a major role at the United Nations (UN).

The second term county boss is now an advisor on local and regional governments at UN, with his appointment having been effected by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

The veteran politician who has served the country in various capacities, among them Member of Parliament, Senator and Minister joins the UN advisory board that will play a role in strengthening the engagement of local and regional governments, in intergovernmental planning processes.

"As a member of the advisory group, I trust I can count on your knowledge and expertise on multi-level governance to localize and align efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals," said Gutteres in a statement shared by governor Nyong'o's press unit.

The advisory group's recommendations on local and regional governments’ engagement in intergovernmental processes, could also inform Member States as part of the “Pact for the Future."

While accepting the appointment, governor Nyong’o thanked the UN Secretary General for the honor bestowed on him to be a member of 'this very important committee.'

“It is with humility that I accept this appointment, promising that I will do my best to promote the ideals and objectives of the UN as a member of the advisory group in advancing the cause of local and regional governments."

Governor Nyong’o is the current United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) Vice President for East Africa.

He also sits on the Presidency of UCLG Africa as well as the Executive of UCLG in the World.

In May, 2022, under the governor's watch, Kisumu successfully hosted the 9th Africities Summit.

It was themed “The Role of Intermediary Cities of Africa in the Implementation of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations and the African Union Agenda 2063."

Kisumu became the first ever intermediary city to host the Africities Summit.

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